In order to prevent more lay-offs, Mike's company is having all the office employees take 5 unpaid days by June 1st. Mike took one of his days this past Friday and since the kids were still on spring break...it was perfect timing!
We decided to take the kids bowling!
Spoiler alert! Mike wins! He's my bowling hero! My bowling champion hubby! ha, ha, ha
What form! He learned that at the U! We took a bowling class together and it was one of the funnest college classes we ever had!
She comes by her great form naturally!
Mike looked up the local lanes and they were actually quite nice. We were almost the only patrons which was also nice! We got everyone in bowling shoes,
picked out the best bowling balls and had the bowling lady put up the gutter racks...so that there wouldn't be disappointed children! I was glad they were there, too! Mike kept track of how many gutter balls I bowled, however!
Learning from the best! Brandon and Dad watching B's ball rolling toward the pins...

Amanda did really well! Brandon loved bowling and even bowled a spare! Sydney threw a fit
before we even started and thought that because she was good at Wii bowling, it would be the same here. When reality set in...she was upset.
We finally talked her into trying and she ended up having a good time. She put a "Sydney spin" on it and after her turn, she would do the splits!
You go girl!
Amanda was a big help to Brandon!
We ended up having a great time! We had to hurry to finish because Amanda had a birthday party to get to at 12:30p. She was going to see the Hannah Montana movie and was estatic! Sydney had a party at 1pm. She was supposed to dress like the book: Pinkalicious. She borrowed her friend, Abby's, puffy skirt. These are the cutest skirts ever!

But, they are a little pricey...so it's nice to borrow! Here is Sydney doing a spin.....
We managed to get a little lunch, dropped the girls at their parties and then hurried to Draper to pick up Grandpa's truck. Mike did end up working a little. But, he was home in time to go to J&J Nursery as we try to finish up our yard. We are changing the front garden because we don't like the way it looks...it just hasn't filled in enough. And we also bought some trees for the backyard! Mike spent a lot of time in the yard and he finished up the last garden box! Bring on Spring!
We were going to go bowling on Friday too...but just didn't get around to it. Julianne was disappointed. Looks like you guys had fun!
How fun! Sydney's skirt is so girlie!
Looks like lots of fun. I never thought that the kids would enjoy bowling, but it's fun that they did.
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