Mike & I have noticed similiar mannerisms between Max and our beloved dog, Tucker!
The only puppy thing that he is doing that isn't good is digging and eating the plants. He has eaten some of our pine tree in the backyard! He also does not like sleeping in the kennel (that Angie Butler gave us) at night. We ended up moving him to the garage in the kennel. Hopefully he'll outgrow that soon!
That little Max is SO cute! I'm glad he's a good puppy.
And just a comment to your previous blog. . . I often wonder how you do all the things you do because I don't think I could handle it. With all those things on your plate anyone would feel overwhelmed. I think you hold it together and handle stress very well. So thanks for making us all look bad, haha!
Cozy, you are so nice, but you are the supermom! I seem to remember someone who took on a bunch of daycare kids when her baby was 3 weeks old! I'm just trying to keep up with you!
I remember Tucker~what a great dog! Max is adorable!
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