Friday, April 24, 2009

Easter Sunday

The perfect Easter picture!

Here's what it took to get there!

Easter Sunday was a beautiful spring day! We loved the messages at church. Sydney threw a fit during Sacrament mtg (something that happened the week before, too, but ended this last week-go figure!) and Mike ended up taking her home!
I love how the kids 'posed' themselves!
So handsome!
I also got called into the Young Womens as a Beehive advisor. The story is that the YW have been asking for me since October. The Bishop has really enjoyed the activities that Mike & I (and our committee) have done for the ward and doesn't want to release us, so he has been telling the YW no. They submitted other names and the Bishopric said they had been praying and think I should be in YW, too. So, here I am!
But, Mike & I aren't getting least not yet. I'm totally fine with it. I have loved working this calling with Mike. I think it's made us closer and I think we work well together as a team. We also enjoy having such supportive ward members and a great committee! It's just been a good calling, so for now...I'll do both. I have been a bit overwhelmed trying to get the hang of adding more to my schedule (a weekly activity and more meetings), but am hoping this next week I'll have all the kinks are worked out!
Love this picture of Brandon!
and of Sydney!

and of Amanda!

I love these kids and Michael! I am so blessed and so grateful that Christ would sacrifice so that we can be with the ones we love forever!


Tiffany said...

You have such cute kids...they definitely take after their mother...thank heavens. heehee

d.r. gib said...

When did Amanda get so grown up??? They look beautiful and handsome!

Makell said...

l love that you posted the "trying" part of getting Easter pics with kids - that is seriously the hardest part! Kerry is the worst - he becomes a huge baby when I say it's picture time.
Your kids look adorable - how is the puppy coming along?

Alisa said...

Love the pictures, Jill! Sooooo cute!