The day of her birthday, we let her open her gifts from us before school.
We chose these cute clothes together the night we went shopping
(while Dad & B were at Fathers n Sons).
For a year, she has been asking for a doll...Chou Chou, My First Tooth.
I was having flashbacks to when we visited our friends in NC, during Lindsey's 7th birthday. Brad & Daneise had said that is the last doll we are ever going to buy....thinking that Lindsey was past dolls and they couldn't quite grasp the reason behind her wanting another doll.
Ditto for Sydney!
But, like our friends, who we believe are great parents(!), we got Sydney a doll for her birthday. It seems Chou Chou is past her first tooth and has moved on to 'Mommy make me feel better' and since this is the only Chou Chou doll I could find...Sydney gets to play Mommy when her baby is sick. It came with thermometer, band-aids, etc.
At least this doll is much cuter than 'Baby Alive' that she got for Christmas last year.
And I should feel happy that our little girl is still little enough to play dolls. Sydney does have an amazing soft spot for babies and little children.
She is very compassionate with them and loves to see them happy.
So, it's a cute thing she still wants dolls.
Then....the Soiree!
All of Sydney and Abby's fancy friends gathered to celebrate their birthdays. (if you haven't read a Fancy Nancy to your library...or borrow one of ours. Darling)
Abby turns 7 two weeks after Sydney's birthday.
Abby's mom, Rachel, is the Party Mom! She did all the cute invitations, fancy cupcakes, fun activities, gift bags and did all the girl's make-up. I just provided the house and the fixin's for parfaits (that's fancy for ice cream sundaes).
Everyone twirl! (That's a fancy word for spin around in a circle).
Sydney's fancy parfait.....lots of sprinkles
Happy Birthday Sydney & Abby!
How exquisite!! (that is a fancy word for fancy)
Having a birthday party is fun, but having a Fancy Nancy party is Extraordinary (that's a fancy word for special)! I love the Fancy Nancy books. I had never heard of them and then Cath sent one to my girls and I just laughed and laughed when I read it. Looks like it was a great Soiree (fancy word for party!!!)
Looks like a darling party! It was so much fun to see all those pictures.
Next time invite me over -that is an awesome party! I love the Fancy Nancy books, but I think I love Syd's pink eyeshadow in those pics even more:)) I wish Eva was still into the dress ups as much as she was before - they outgrow things too soon.
Looks like a fancy time was had by all.1
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