We quickly found Brandon's twin, cousin Zach! He was Bob the Builder! Kat tells us it's his 2nd year as Bob. Lucky for her! She didn't have to come up with anything, pay for anything new and it's a darling costume!
Thanks for a fun party, Abi and Hillary and everyone who helped!
Hillary's blog has more details of the party. Amanda & Sydney were out of school for UEA weekend. Amanda wanted to stay at the party, while Sydney and I took a Mommy/Daughter date moment!
The group of party-goers! Sydney has fake eyeballs over her eyes!
We walked a couple of blocks to Hagermann's Bakery (a must try-YUM!) and shared a drink and some ghost cookies. We had a nice chat and enjoyed seeing downtown. It's under so much construction, that we haven't been around in awhile.
Here is what we discussed while having our date: On our walk, we saw a person begging for money. Sydney asked if we should give him some money. I told her that we give money to our church and the church helps. Also, that there are places that serve lunch and dinner and also a place he can go to stay overnight. She wasn't satisfied with this answer and just kept telling me that we should give him some money. So, finally I told her that I had a dollar she could give him if he was there on the way back. She was too shy to give it to him, so she said I should.
I told her ok and she kept making sure that I had the dollar in my pocket so it was ready to hand to the man.
We finished up our treats and headed back
(by the way, Sydney does not like to walk anywhre! This was a big deal for her to walk 4 blocks today. She only said she wanted to sit down once! Way to go, Syd!).
To Sydney's dismay, the person had moved on. I told her someone must have given him some money and he went to get lunch.
Then, I thought to myself, what a great lesson our girl had just taught me.
It doesn't matter that we give money elsewhere...it wouldn't have been a big deal to give this man a dollar.
And then, I would have been the one teaching my daughter.
As it should have been.
Thank you Sydney!
I had a great time on our date!
What a sweetheart,I am not surprised.
Cute, cute Yoda costume!
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