Friday, October 31, 2008

I don't want to take a nap!

I told B that since it's trick-or-treat tonight, that he needed to take a nap so he would be happy! He really didn't want to. Amanda tried because Brandon said he wanted to snuggle with her. (Oh, that just melts a mama's heart!) But, he didn't sleep because they were watching kid shows. So, here comes the mean mom and I got him to sleep in about 5 minutes. But, not without him getting the final protest in. I just love how he is sleeping on this pillow facing the wrong way in the bed! Ok, win!


Tiffany said...

There just isn't anything sweeter than a sleeping child! He is adorable.

d.r. gib said...

I am so impressed that you can get him to nap. Zach stopped napping shortly after turning 3