I decided we should so something fun since the girls were out of school. Mike wanted to go to St. George and I was the one stopping us.....a new thing for me....being conservative. Anyway, since we were halfway to Gardner Village because of Abi's party, I took the kids to see the witches!
It didn't seem very crowded as we pulled into the parking lot. I had heard that the day before was a nightmare and was hoping we had gotten lucky. We just drove right to the last parking lot out in the field somewhere thinking it was silly to drive around and around looking for a place to park!
First, we needed some lunch! I was hoping we'd get to go to Naborhood Bakery, but as we rounded the building, there was a huge line! Since low blood sugar does not agree with 2 of the 3 kids, we needed something faster. There was a tent set up wit hot dogs, etc. and we stood in that line because it went faster. We found some rocks to sit on that were in a garden and Sydney knowing that we shouldn't step in gardens kept asking me if they let us do that...
Yes, Syd, it's ok.
Mom, are you sure?
Yes, Sydney, it's fine...eat.
Then, here comes a bee to torment Sydney...and only Sydney
So, she ended up standing out of the garden to eat her $4 hot dog!
Then, off to see some witches! The Outhouse witch is Sydney's favorite!
This one opens and closes her shutters. Brandon had a good time going down the hill to knock on her house.
We were waiting for Aunt Alisa and her kids to join us. When they did, I made them all line up for a picture. Thanks for humoring me, Kaili!
Here is a picture of our kids. Amanda is pouting because I wouldn't buy her a witch hat. I told her she could spend her money, instead.
Now, here is the reason I won't go back during UEA weekend. It was crowded. When we
There is a spider on my hat!
Amanda's pouty face is priceless - you'll have to use that one to blackmail her as a teenager down the road! I think that the witches are so much fun down there- -I'm glad you had a good time!
Memories. We used to go see the witches every year when the kids were a bit younger. Now it's just hard to get everyone's schedules to align. Plus, yeah...it's seriously crowded any time school is not in session. Maybe I should just go down with Lilian.
I like their witch hats! So cute! YOU are such a fun Mom! I'm sure they loved it despite the crowds! It took us forever to get out of the parking lot, too! I'm sorry I couldn't stay for longer!
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