Friday, October 31, 2008
I don't want to take a nap!
Halloween Crazy
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Arvy Party - Halloween take 2!
The cool ones who dressed up! Corvin scary guy, Maddie as Miley, Mikey as Stormtrooper, Brock is a rock start, Kristine with great dracula teeth, Grandma as a rock star, Emily as Tinkerbell, second row: Amanda, Jill as wicked witch of the east, Zach as Indy Jones, Grandpa as a Ute, Jace another scary guy, front row: Sydney as Glinda and Brandon as YodaThe 'losers' who didn't dress up! You were good sports to get your picture taken! Kellie with an impromptu boa costume, Scott as Scott, and scary guys flanking Jim as Jim
Other 'losers' showed up later, but were not photographed...Matt as Matt, Alisa as Alisa. Missing in action....Hillary and Steven and girlies who were feeling ill, or were just scared to show up!
Here are all the cousins (minus Brock who didn't want another photo) back row: Amanda, Corvin, Maddie, Kaili in a cute yellow tutu, second row: Greg as batman, Sydney, Zach, Ryan with a golf ball in his forehead, Jace, Front row: Kelsey as a fairy, Emily and Brandon
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Gibby Halloween Party
Monday, October 27, 2008
A few fun fotos

Thursday, October 23, 2008
Since we were halfway there....
There is a spider on my hat!
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Let the Halloween parties commence!
We quickly found Brandon's twin, cousin Zach! He was Bob the Builder! Kat tells us it's his 2nd year as Bob. Lucky for her! She didn't have to come up with anything, pay for anything new and it's a darling costume!
Thanks for a fun party, Abi and Hillary and everyone who helped!
Hillary's blog has more details of the party. Amanda & Sydney were out of school for UEA weekend. Amanda wanted to stay at the party, while Sydney and I took a Mommy/Daughter date moment!
The group of party-goers! Sydney has fake eyeballs over her eyes!
I told her ok and she kept making sure that I had the dollar in my pocket so it was ready to hand to the man.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Party with the Gparents
We love when the grandparents come to visit! We even sat in the formal dining room for dinner! Feeling special Grandparents and Amanda?
Thank you to both grandparents for being so loving and coming to celebrate Amanda's birthday! We are so blessed to have our grandparents live close to us!
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Who's that girl?
Amanda and I talked just recently about what activities she can give up as we try to simplify, and she always says that she'll probably quit ballet at the end of the year. Then, when it comes time to sign up....she wants to go another year!
After this morning, I felt for the first time that I really don't either daughter to give up
ballet or dance. is a picture of Amanda's Blue Soldier make-up. Her pictures were at it's almost 7pm and she still is wearing the make-up. She's having fun!
Maddy L is in this picture and she is a buffoon this year.....the girls that go with Mother Buffoon. Amanda and Maddy did some make-up for Sydney...Syd just eats this stuff up!
It's gotten cold here today and we spent the day in the freezing air watching soccer games, going to McD's with Reed and Makaela for hot chocolate and watching the Utes play and beat the Cowboys! Go UTES!
Friday, October 10, 2008
Left to right front row, Susie E., Maddy L., Brinley M., Shalee K., Cami M., Mary J.* 2nd row: Elizabeth W, Suzie S., Hanalee H., Amanda* Back row: Kiley ? and Ashley H
Kiley, Ashley, Susie and Hanalee with the air guitars...
Giving wishes to her present givers
Bump on the head!
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Manda Panda is 10 years old!