Looking at that cute face, how could he ever throw tantrums? Well, I have said it before when my girls were this age....we were great at 2 years old. It's the Terrible Threes at our house! (ok, and I'm not a fan of the year of 5 either). Brando has become sooooo opinionated about everything! From what he wears, to where we sit, how we play and argues with me about EVERYTHING!
I love him dearly and always will, but please pray for me to have boundless patience!
(right now he's screaming because I wouldn't let him sit on my lap while I'm typing, and had set him on a stool right next to me!)
AS Grandma Gibson used to tell us. "This too will pass". Hang in there Sis
Remember that old adage (I think it should be an adage) we spend the first three years of our kids lives teaching them to walk and talk and the next 20 years telling them to sit down and shut up.
We love them no matter what!
I think Abi's entering that stage too, all day long I hear "I want thaaaat!" Then when I give in and give her whatever it is, I hear "I DON'T WANT THAT!" What a frustrating age! If you find any good solutions, I'd love to hear them. Good luck!
All I can say is, been there, done that. STILL doing it.!!! You're not alone, but you ARE doing a great job!
That sounds very familiar, I feel the same every day!
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