Monday, May 19, 2008

Happy Birthday Brandon!!!

Oh, our baby is 3 today! We are so blessed to have Brandon in our family! He is a light and a joy!
Warning: Bragging ahead...really it's just journaling, but it sounds like bragging!
Some of the things he likes right now are getting birthday presents, he likes to play at the park, he likes to run, he likes to watch Max & Ruby and Spongebob Squarepants.
His favorite book is Thomas the Tank Engine where you push the button and sing the songs.
He loves his sisters!
He loves his Daddy and follows him around everywhere!
He's got some rockin' moves and as soon as I figure out how to load video off my camera to my blog....I'll show you!
Brandon loves to hang with 'my boys' which are the boys in his playgroup.
He loves to visit his Grandparents and his cousins.
He can point out that his eyes are blue like Daddy's and Sydney's and that Mommy and Amanda have brown eyes.
He can sing his ABC's and knows the sounds the letters make.
He can count to about 13.
He does not like to brush his teeth or use the potty!
He loves matchbox cars and carries them everywhere!
He likes 'trees' (broccoli) and most veggies and fruit and he'll eat almost anything, including sushi!
He's really good about going to bed (thank goodness!)
He loves grapes!
He calls his sippy cup a ba-ba...
He has the cutest laugh and smile!

We love you, Bubba!
(I'll post about the birthday festivities was a busy weekend!)


Hillary said...

Happy Birthday Brandon!!! The big 3! Where did the last three years go??

Staci said...

Happy Birthday Brandon! We love ya big guy! Oh Jill..... what is happening to our babies!! Can we freeze frame them?? Love you!

d.r. gib said...

Happy birthday Bubba. Welcome to the 3 year old club. Our little look a likes are getting so big!

Makell said...

He likes sushi?! That is so cool!You are giving him some expensive tastes early on...No lame-o happy meals for this kid! He is such a little man - what a cutie! Hope you had a good day!

Chris Grover said...

totally warranted bragging! what a cute little guy! does it ever scare you how fast time goes and how quickly they grow?! what a fun age!!