Monday, May 5, 2008

My favorite stuff to do on a weekend

You would think my favorite thing to do on a weekend would be to lounge around a pool in some exotic location, sipping on cool, virgin margaritas...but, it's isn't. I love, love, love to spend time with people we love. This weekend, we spent time with a lot of people we love!
First, with our kids....
We went outside pretty early as Mike was doing some yardwork and I had just finished some housework. Suddenly, a spontaneous game of backyard soccer broke out. Dad & Sydney against Mom and Amanda. I'm pretty sure the Arvy game rules include hands, body checks and tripping as acceptable ways of keeping Daddy from scoring a goal!
Daddy also played 'Captain' of the swingset while Brandon played 'Spongebob'. The girls and I got to swing and giggle. Then, Brandon wanted to play croquet and we had to 'plug in' the gates and play a quick game. Really quick for Brando...and he was done while the rest of us where just getting started! Ah, the attention span of a 3 year old...
A quick run up to our family fav, Gandolfo's (pretty fancy place for Kville) to try their breakfast menu and we ran back to shower and get ready for the rest of our day of fun!

We went to Amanda's soccer game all dressed in our Sunday best! Amanda played a great game and managed to keep her ponytailed hair intact and beautiful enough to attend cousin, Kate's baptism! We left right from Amanda's game, she changed in the car and we made it to WJ in plenty of time....

We are proud of you, Kate! Thanks for letting us share your special day! I love to see my hubby, Dad, and brothers all participating in Priesthood ordinances. We were proud of Roger and felt the spirit on this special day! The kids had a great time playing with their cousins (including McKenzie) back at R&C's until we had to run to spend time with some more of our fav people!

Mitchell also got baptized on Saturday. We felt honored to be invited to attend with Staci & Kevin and all the cute family, including Kay & Bud. A quick visit and Mike & I ducked out before dinner to go out with the Murray dinner groupies (Irvines, Brousseaus, Solomons and their friends). Thanks to my Mom & Dad for watching our kids at Staci's!
When we were finished with dinner, the party was raging on at Staci's and we headed back to par-tay! We had a great time talking, laughing and watching Staci clean! We are sorry you all if we stayed too long, but it was a great night. Our kids played great and didn't want us to take them home....they even pulled out the sleep-over card!

More family time on Sunday as we had shakes at G&Papa Arv's. That's the new tradition and Sydney asks for a shake after being in their house about 30 seconds. We also stopped by Gibby's because everyone was there (except Mom who was at choir). We love the traditional popcorn, chocolate and giggles (Miley Cyprus).
So, thanks for a wonderful weekend! We love you guys!
(I promise to finish posting about our W.D.C. trip soon).


d.r. gib said...

Whew! I am tired just from reading it. I was laughing to myself this morning about Miley Cyprus too.

Roger Gibson said...

Hey, I want to tip, check, and body slam Mike the next time you guys play fussball. Give an Uncle a call next time!

Roger Gibson said...

Wow, what a day for you guys! Thanks for making it to the baptism and for playing the piano. Cozette