Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Let it Snow, let it snow, let it snow!

Oh, we finally got a good ol' Utah winter snowstorm on Saturday! The big white fluffy flakes and it just snowed and snowed and snowed! We woke up to this......and our girls were out in it at 8am with the neighbor kids. Soon, McCleary hooked up a sled to his 4-wheeler and took the kids on long rides throughout the neighborhood! You can just make out Amanda to the right of the tree on the left! She stayed out forever and got the biggest kick out of the sled rides! Sydney, who is more of a warm weather gal came in a warmed up in a hot bath. Luckily, Brandon wasn't wanting to be out and cold....which would have meant Mommy would have been out in the wet and cold!
Around noon, we ventured out to SL to the Utah game! It was a good drive and I was glad that it was Saturday and that Mike didn't have to commute to work in this storm. It was an exciting game that the Utes finally won in the closing minutes. We had a nice chat with Jeri, the lady that sits next to us. She is the Mom of a former Mia Maid advisor I had! Small world. She's cute and just loves our kids.After we got back home, I got things ready to go work at the Festival of Trees. This is my 3rd year on a committee with Mardee & Sharlee. And this is the first year that we aren't doing the gift shop, but the small trees. Working in the trees was BORING! It was a really long shift for me. But I did get a chance to walk around a bit and get a scone. I guess the tradition on closing night is to have a bagpipe ensemble come at 9pm and parade through the trees with the board members marching behind. I couldn't get a great picture, but you can kind of see them over the crowd. It was really a neat thing to witness.
In the meantime, my Mom headed to Kville to stay with our kids overnight, so that Mike and I could bag trees (take the big trees and get them ready to transport). It was a fun job and this Festival is an amazing production! After we finished our 8 trees, we went to Village Inn with Orisons and Lloyds for some hot cocoa at midnight! They are fun couples and our girls play with their girls. Mike and I stayed at Jim & Renae's instead of driving back home.
Sunday morning, Mike had to go to Ward Council, so I went back to the Festival at 7am to help load the trees in the truck and headed out to deliver them. Mike has done this the past 2 years, so I was grateful when my Mom said she would stay overnight so I could go. We thought Mike and I would be going together, but by the time his meeting was done, we had enough people delivering and we decided he should just go home so my Mom could get back to her home.
I was so tired after only getting 4 hours of sleep, so I took a quick nap while Mikey tcob'd (took care of business) with the kids. He was so cute making them lunch, bacon-wrapped chestnuts, hot cocoa and getting the fire going. After Brandon and I woke up, we went back to SL to make his parent's bed (we washed the sheets after staying there) and SOMEHOW we short-sheeted the bed. What a nice thing to do to his parents who have been gone a month, huh! The girls were so excited to play this little prank on Grandma & Papa! After a fun visit with my family (and no popcorn party due to no popcorn in the house), we started to head home and found this fun house. It ended up to be the Christmas Utah house that has all the lights coordinated with music. Really fun and really popular. The kids loved it!
Monday, we had our neighborhood donation party. We started this here last year with Francis' and Jensens and although we thought our numbers were lower this year, we actually had more food donations and money donations. The Family Connection Center was very grateful again this year. We also took money donations to the womens shelter here in town and they couldn't believe the amount we had raised. I'm so glad that people in our neighborhood get behind this idea to give to a charity instead of giving a hundred plates of cookies out to the neighbors. As one friend put it, it's nice that our neighborhood can unite and do something for the greater good.

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