Saturday, December 29, 2007

Wrapping Up Christmas!

Here's some more about Christmas! The kids were so excited about Christmas, but actually slept in until 7:30am! We were so happy! The girls were so surprised with their new bikes! Amanda loves her DS and plays it constantly. Luckily, a couple of her friends also received DS's and they have been 'chatting' Did you know the DS's talk to each other when in range? That's kind of fun for the girls....and keeps them pretty quiet! Sydney loves her Baby Alive. What a horrible doll! It's too 'realistic' and poops and pees everywhere. We seriously had a 'blow-out' of clothing like a real baby! Sydney said to me, 'This baby is a lot of work' I hear you, sister! I have told her to quit feeding it for awhile.
Brandon loves, loves, loves his train table! And he's very protective about it. He's not really into sharing it with anyone. He totally got the present thing this year and told me at one of the Grandma's houses, 'I need more presents' Ummm, that's about the last thing you need.

Brandon doing the present dance.
We headed toward Salt Lake around 12:30ish for a quick stop at Grandma-Great's. Brandon had fallen asleep in the car, so I stayed out with him to see if we could get him a little more rest. Grandma & Papa Arvy were also visiting Grandma Great and Mike and the girls were treated to some good lunch food. Thanks, Grandma!
We ended up at my parent's house about the same time as everyone else (except Dan & Stacie) and that was fun so the kids could play again. They love their cousins and it was fun to have all 10 little ones running around playing with the 3 older girls.
Amanda and Brandon playing the DS at Grandma's. I love how Brandon snuggled up to his sister to 'play'....I'm not sure Amanda was feeling the same warm fuzzy.
Here's cute Makayla eating a book. D & Kat, could you feed this baby, please?
We went to the Arvy's around 4pm. Wonderful food....Thanks, Renae! We were starving! I was amazed at how well the kids were listening when Grandpa started telling us of their experiences in New Zealand. We were very touched by the stories and are so happy that Jim & Renae were able to return to his mission field. More wonderful presents and minor chaos and more fun playing with cousins.
What a wonderful time we have had with our families this season. I was glad when the kids were finally out of school. It seems like things slowed down a little after that. We made one trip shopping on Saturday the 23rd with the kids and just happened to end up at Build-a-Bear. We usually take the kids each Christmas season, but didn't make a plan this year. When the girls saw the was all over. The big problem was the other million people doing the same thing! We waiting in line probably an hour! UGH! But, while I waited in line with the kids, Mike ran around the mall and gathered up our last few gifts. That works for me! The girls were so happy with their stuffed animals....Brandon-not so much. He just wasn't feeling the love for this darling dino.
I am so grateful to have such a wonderful family! They are everything to me. My whole life! I know that I am blessed and my Heavenly Father loves me. I am so grateful to my Savior for his ultimate sacrifice and eternal gift to me. Merry Christmas everyone!


d and k gibson said...

what fun! And I think you can tell by Makayla's chubby cheeks that she gets more to eat then books!

Chris Grover said...

I love the present dance! That is too funny! Looks like you guys had a great Christmas! There is nothing better than being with family and enjoying a special day!