Saturday, May 26, 2007


It's Thomas!!!

We love our cute kids!

Us at the Dairy Keen!

The cool train tables...

Oh, my Dad did the greatest thing! He bought the entire family tickets to the Heber Railroad's Thomas the Tank Engine ride. It's only here for a few days and the place was packed. One railroad worker told us that they sold 5,500 tickets for just today! Unbelievable! Anyway, the kids LOVED it! Brandon and Zachary were so upset when the ride was over they were crying! We first met up at the Dairy Keen in Heber. It's the fast food joint with the train. It's been awhile since Mike and I have been up this way and things are really different. They put this cute little 'train' out front. That was the first place ALL the kids ran to. After everyone had arrived and we had lunch, we headed over to the depot. It was a fun little ride and as you can see by the pictures, we were in an open air car. We could see the whole Heber Valley and it was really beautiful. My brother, Evan and his little family came from Washington (where he is stationed instead of Guam originally), so it was fun to see their baby and to hang out with all my bros and their families. I am really grateful for my parents and my brothers. I think that I had such a great family to grow up with. My brothers are a kick. When we are together, they usually have me laughing so hard I pee my pants! It's so fun to see all of us with our little kids and the cousins love being together.
My boys on the train! Brandon was so excited! He says, 'Thomas' soooo cute! It's like 'Toe-maass'. He was in Heaven! I love these pictures of the kids just enjoying the ride! Just pure joy at experiencing something new!

Elyse, Kate, Manda and Sydney on the train! Amanda has this 8 year old thing going with not smiling for pictures. This was the closest thing to a smile that I could get her to do! She has a beautiful smile and I love to see it, but I think it'll be a challenge to get a picture of it for awhile!

After the train ride and all the little activities-including this petting zoo which the girls loved (and temporary tattoos which Brandon was mad he could only have one), the rest of the family went fishing (except for us and Darin's family). We came home and kind of crashed. All the kids fell asleep in the car and I like it when that happens because then Mike and I can have some serious talking time without interruption! And believe me, there is a lot of interruptions with our 3 kids!

Anyway, a nice relaxing, fun day topped off by a sushi run. Mike and I have been loving a little late-night sushi. We apparently do this too much because the last time I went to pick up our order, the girl said, "I knew it was you. I know whenever "Mike" calls in a take-out sushi, that it's going to be you who picks it up.' I seriously was a little embarrassed, but then I got over it quick! It's a fun little treat for us.

More family fun tomorrow as we are getting together with the Gibby's again for a bbq before Evan and Jamie head back to Washington. We are celebrating the May birthdays which include Brando and Jamie. I offered to make the cake and found this cute little cake on that looks like a present. If it turns out after I decorate it, I'll post a picture.

I think that Memorial Day weekend is a perfect time to hang with the family. Friday night, Mike's parents took just the adults to dinner. We had a fun time although we were at a long, rectangular table that makes it hard to hear all the conversation. Jim was trying to discuss some things with us and we couldn't hear him, would start another conversation and end up laughing in the middle of his serious discussion! Oh well, it was worth having some kid-free time. It just renews the spirit of happy mothering if you get a small break once in awhile.

So, it's late and I am procrastinating doing my relief society announcement sheet for tomorrow morning, but apparently have time to blog! And I know I'm not making much sense right now because I am exhausted! Peace out!


Chris Grover said...

HOW FUN! One of our nephews was OBSESSED with Thomas and did a similar ride with his dad, which he loved and talked about for months following! It looks like you had a great time with your family!! Such CUTE, CUTE kids! Thanks for your comment! Now I won't feel so shy about leaving some of my own!

Jill said...

I love comments! It's just like getting a card in the mail....