Monday, May 7, 2007

Eagle Eye!

Mike had Lasik surgery on his eyes last week. We had been looking forward to this for years! He has not been able to wear contacts for a very long time as they irritated his eyes so bad. He hates wearing glasses and they interfere when he's working, doing yard work, training for his tri's, etc. We went to Hoopes Vision in Sandy and I even got to watch! We have it on DVD if anyone is interested in seeing him 'get sliced up' as he put it. At his post-op check the next morning, the doc said his vision is better than 20/'s 20/15, so now we are calling him Eagle-Eye. The doctor said that at his next check up in one month, it might be even better. Definately worth it!

Now, a funny thing for us last night. We were just looking around the house at things we don't use and could maybe sell. We came across our Yakima Rocketbox which has been sitting in the garage for 5 years. We only used it a couple of times when we had the Jimmy, but no Tahoe. So, Mike went to the on-line classifieds to see what it was worth. We determined it was worth about $200 and he put it up for sale. No lie, within 15 minutes we had a phone call of someone wanting to see it that night (it was already 8:30p), up from the valley this guy came and bought it on the spot! We were laughing that all within one hour, we had decided to sell, put up for sale and sold this box! Yea for us! We may just keep looking for more things to sell...anyone want a dog?

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