Tuesday, May 1, 2007

May Day

I can't believe it's May! You always hear about how fast time flies, but honestly, it's speeding up everyday! Our ward activity went really well. I was really nervous about 6pm when it started and only 40 people were there. But, by 6:30p (not sure if it was a misunderstanding about what time it started, or just Mormon standard time) we had 70 people there! I'm still waiting for pictures from our volunteer photographer and will post when I get them.

But, I had to post what I saw the other day when I walked into my room. Great motivation to keep scrapbooking! I have been so lax on doing their books, but the kids love to have the hardcopy to browse through. It was so fun to look back to their births and forward. I'm so blessed!

Also, with our sudden jump to 80+ degrees here, the girls put up the water slide and spent all day for 3 days on it, until it got a hole! UGH! This is a 'toy' we cannot do without. Hopefully it's patchable as we haven't even started summer yet! Amanda and Sydney are seen here getting off the slide (and posing) and Amanda's friend, Hanalee is about to slide.

Brandon put one foot in the COLD water and decided the slide wasn't for him this day. Here's one of his favorite activities...driving his car.
And FINALLY, we got Sydney to let us pull out her front top tooth. We have been working on this tooth for over a month. For those of you who know Sydney, you know that she has an especially stubborn temperment and REFUSED to let us pull it. Well, out came the threats last night to call the dentist to get a shot and have her pull it out. This tooth was seriously dangling and she wasn't brushing her front teeth at all. So, after about 2 hours, she came to me and asked me to pull it out. We dabbed the orajel on her gums and with one very minor pull, out it came! Yippee! That prompted the call to Grandma Arveseth at 9:30pm to share the news!

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