Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Hello Birdies!

We have Henrietta the Robin (the girls named her) who decided to make a nest in the little cubby between our drain pipe and pillar off the patio. I watched her make it and thought that Mike would probably knock it down when he got home. Well, we let it go and when Mike finally did say he was going to knock it down, I told him I thought there were eggs in it now and we need to leave it because Henrietta and her hubby were keeping a close watch on that nest. Whenever we came outside, they would leave the nest and go sit on our fence or roof and just watch us. On Memorial Day, Mike heard peeping! We have 4 little baby birds in the nest. Henrietta and the Daddy weren't around, so Mike took the nest down and showed the birds to the kids. They were so excited!
Also, here is a picture of the birthday cake I made. The kids loved it. We had 5 little 2 year olds sitting around the table pulling the skittle dots off of it while we were singing! We had a good time.

For Memorial Day, we took the kids to get their pictures taken and then took them to Shrek 3. Well, apparently a lot of families wanted to see Shrek because we were 20 minutes early and had to sit on the FRONT row! Not fun. The kids liked the movie, but it's my least favorite of the three. We decided after to have a throw together bbq with some of the neighbors. For journaling purposes, we had Jensens, Francis', McClearys and the Meyers all come over. It was fun to be able to chat and the kids all had a great time together playing basketball on Brandon's plastic bball hoop, playing soccer and play in the playground/playhouse. It sure was hard to get back to normal life on Tuesday. Mike even came home from work early (5pm) which never happens!!!

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