It's Brandon birthday week! For two weeks everyday he has been asking me, 'Am I four yet?' I love how confused little kids are when you have a birthday party on a day that is not their actually birthday! It's impossible to explain it to them!
This past Friday we had a little friend party for our B.
We were completely Star Wars themed! I made an invite with a clone trooper inviting young Jedi's (13 of them) to come to Brandon's party. Brandon wanted a 'red planet' cake and so I just made a cake with orange frosting and a volcano with red lava! I put 2 of his Star Wars figures on top. When he saw that, he went and got about 7 more! I was teaching piano that day and when I came back into the kitchen had seen what Brandon had created-it was breathtaking. There was only minor repair work to be done on the cake!
I know...don't be jealous of my cake decorating skillz!
I made lightsabers out of pool noodles and each boy had to complete Jedi training. We had an obstacle course, they had to keep a balloon in the air by hitting it with their lightsaber (which turned into balloon popping) and they popped a Death Star balloon that had candy in it.
Cousin Zach about to cream that red balloon!
The candy came in handy while watching Brandon open gifts. Kept them quiet and sitting!
Cute Amanda being a big help to Brandon!
The boys while Brandon was opening gifts! And Aunt Kat & Uncle Dan
While they were waiting for the Storm Trooper to come out, they attacked Uncle Danny who had for some reason laid down on the grass.
(the girls behind the fence are Activity Day girls who were picking up trash on the common area and came over to watch! I'm sure we were quite the spectacle!)
Even our girls got in on the action.
Here is Mikey aka Storm Trooper fighting the newly graduated Jedis. These boys get a little aggressive and were hitting Mike in the head a lot! Amanda taped it with her's pretty funny! Thanks for being a great sport, Daddy!

When Dad was done being hit, we stopped and had the cake and Yoda Soda (lime sherbet and 7Up) and some homemade rootbeer that Mike made. That was a big hit!
We stopped using the lightsabers after awhile because they kids would gang up on one kid (who would have thought they'd do that!)! So, we played Duck, Duck, Goose or Darth Vader, Darth Vader, General Grevious until the parents came for the boys! It was a fun party! Thank goodness it was a nice day. I can't tell you how loud it was even outside!

After the party we had to go check out a ward member's property for the ward campout. Not long after getting in the car, I looked back and saw our exhausted birthday boy!

Here is Sydney sitting in the porch swing at the cabin. Their property is amazing. In the family for generations. It's outside of Kamas. They own 1600 acres. It's all mountains and just beautiful! The cabin is really nice and I worry a little about bringing the ward up. I hope they respect the fact that we don't want people running through their cabin. day!

Cute Sydney!
I love that our boys both have birthdays this same week - a couple of years ago I did a Star Wars party or Ethan, only we made light sabers out of pvc pipe and then wrapped this foam around them with a red taped handle.....Kerry ended up getting attacked. He would so much have rather me used the pool noodle - much better idea!
Cute Cute party - Tell Mike that the Storm Trooper look is hot! Maybe he should wear that to work?
Oops - I forget to mention
I was laughing out loud when I saw all of the action figures he added to the cake. That is priceless!
What an awesome Storm Trooper. I think Mike gets Father-of-the-Year for that one! Happy Birthday Brandon!!
Hi Jill!
I can't explain the jealousy my husband would have at this post! Oh, to have a STAR WARS party!!!
And I LOVE the cake. Too classic!!!
You're awesome, Jill! I love the noodle light saber idea!
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