You know, sometimes I get a little tonight as it's I just wanted to get my blog updated before bed....
Amanda is on the top row, to the right, on the end

Thursday was Amanda's 4th grade program about what they learned this year about Utah history. She was so cute! She dressed as a pioneer. The kids really knew their songs well and it was fun to listen to. Amanda was in the slideshow was a picture of her in St. George and another was her drawing of Snowbasin Ski Resort.
You can tell we have a new school because we got there 15 minutes early and every seat was full! They don't have enough chairs at all. We ended up standing for an hour to watch the show. Very annoying...and also hard for the siblings. Especially Sydney. She threw a fit and ended up laying on the dirty gym floor for the whole show.
To keep Brandon busy, Mike held him and told him to make faces or wave at Amanda. That was pretty funny as she tried to keep singing while laughing.
Afterward, I tried to get a family picture and notice Sydney's face and Mike wanting to bop her on the head. She really throws the best fits......ugh.....
Mom, I'm so glad you made that dress for me 30+ years ago!
We have enjoyed borrowing it many times!
And Amanda you looked so cute!
Ha ha - I love Syd. That face is classic!
You're welcome. A great Halloween costume with lots of uses. Some kids just need more love?!? We love you guys!!!
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