I am having a rotten, horrible, no good, very bad day (is that how the title of that book goes?), so I thought I would post more of our beautiful baby's birthday celebrations to try to cheer me up!

On Monday night, we had the Grandparents up to celebrate Brandon's birthday! It was a nice day, so we ate out on the patio. Mike made a peach cobbler in his dutch oven. It was really good! (Some lucky neighbors got the left-overs) It was fun to visit with our parents. We don't usually get time 'alone' with them. Usually we are at their houses that are bustling with our siblings and their cute children. It was a nice night!
The Grandparents did a great job getting Star Wars presents for Brandon! The Gibs gave him Star Wars legos and the Arvs gave him 2 Star Wars ships! He was so excited and we had to play with them immediately!
Thank you for spending a fun night with us!
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