Or, I should just say, Mikey is a play boy all year round. I was just talking to my friend, Nicole, and inviting she and her family to go boating tonight with us. Here I am, stressed about speaking in church on Sunday, stressed about getting the stuff done for our high school reunion in 9 days, stressed about getting my piano lessons organized to start in 12 weeks, stressed about the ward campout we are in charge of, stressed about having the kids and all their friends running in and out of the house WET, stressed because I need to clean the toliets, floors, HOUSE, etc....and my cute hubby calls and asks me if we should go boating tonight and to round up some friends to go.
So, I told Nicole, it's a good thing that Mikey likes to play or else I don't think we would ever do anything fun! I'm always about trying to get the millions of things done and I forget to hang back, take a breath and go enjoy some fun in the sun!
Mikey, I'm so glad that our kids have such a fun Daddy to keep their lives entertaining! I'm so lucky you are my hubby! It's good for me to leave it (the stress and chores) all behind and go enjoy being with my family and friends! I love you! Ahoy!
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