First, our Pioneer day wasn't fun! Mike had to work which put a big damper on our partying. I love this holiday. I wanted to have enough energy to get up and take the kids to the parade, but that didn't happen. Maybe next year. So, I sat with the kids in the a.m. and we watched the parade on t.v.
Then, I got out in the 90+ degree heat and mowed the lawn. Usually I love to do this...but, it was HOT! Then, Amanda (having just seen the KFC float), wanted to get KFC for lunch. That of course, has to bring an opposing opinion from her sister. This happens with basically everything those two are involved in. But, we went and picked up the chicken, came home and ate out on the patio.
That was fun, until they started fighting over something insignificant...and this repeated itself all afternoon...fighting, fighting, fighting.
So, we just hung out, waiting for Daddy to come home. But, Daddy having had some really stressful days at work, was not in a playing mood. The kids were begging to go to Lagoon, go boating, etc, but neither of their parents was up for that.
We tried to go to the Bees game, but it was sold out. We had a bbq planned with our friends, but they were painting all day and cancelled on us. So, I ended up taking the kids to Cafe Rio and bringing Mike home some grub. We went to our 'cancelling' friends for a pretty lame fireworks show (but thanks to them, it was better than nothing).
We awoke glad for a new morning to give us a better day. I left Amanda tending while I went to IMC to get my yearly Mammo....when I got there, I signed in and the lady ignored me until there was only me and two other ladies in the waiting room. The woman that had signed in before me had an appointment at the same time as I did, but got in as soon as she signed in.
So, finally the girl calls me and says she can't find my name on her schedule. I was so ready to say...well, you are doing it anyway because I have an appointment (I knew I was there on the right day because they called to register me), when she found me. I had waited for 25 minutes to be called, and the mammo only took 10 minutes (dressing time included). I wouldn't have been hyper about it other than I left the kids at home and knew it could have been faster.
Sydney & Brandon among the mountain of half frozen bread.
I called the kids on the way home and they were fine, so I stopped at Costco to fill up my car (UGH!$$$) and get a couple of things. By the time I left, the kids were calling because they were starting to fight. I got home and found that my outside freezer was leaking! I have caught the door open (by kids getting Otter Pops) a couple of times in the past week, so I was scared of how long it had been open.
My bread was all thawed. The popsicles melted and it was just getting worse. So, I enlisted the help of the kids and we took all the food out of the outside freezer and STUFFED it into my tiny side-by-side in the house. What a nightmare!

(we won't even go into the mess my house is, the fact that we have TONS to do for the reunion still, I still have to finish my talk for Sacrament Mtg. and do the lesson for the class I'm subbing for Sunday and on and on and on....) I know that whomever reads this is probably having a worse time than I am, but it does help me to write it out! Good on to clean the freezer! Cross your fingers that it's not broken!
Oh sister! I think you have more company in those types of days than you realize...! It's frustrating - you want to have a great holiday and when everything keeps falling out of place and everyone gets ornery and then your freezer breaks! Chalk that one up for a 'nothing is going right today' day.
btw - you have a TON on your plate right now. (i just read your other post.) Those are all really big planning mentally and time consuming things. Hang in there...
Oh My!! That is a bad couple of days for sure. Good luck over the next week with Church obligations, and the reunion.
I'm sorry we missed your talk in church. I'm sure did a great job. Here's hoping this week goes bette. See you on Friday. Love ya oddles
Oh, isn't it therapeutic to get that out? I think it helps others, too, to know that they are not the only ones having crazy times! Good luck with all- one day at a time! :)
Whew. That made me tired just reading about it. Sometimes, when it "rains" little things all at once like that, it becomes completely overwhelming!That's when I want to throw a tantrum like a little kid and have someone else make it all better (doesn't happen when YOUR the mom though!).
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