So, I'm so glad that June is finally here tomorrow! Mike and I have been struggling with a few things...mainly whether or not to stay put in Kaysville. We just aren't feeling like it's home and apparently a lot of people in our neighborhood are feeling this way because there are quite a few homes going up for sale. We are torn between moving back to SL or waiting it out up here to see if it gets better. Interesting to see the issues we are dealing with in our 30's are strangely like those we dealt with in our teens! Wouldn't you think those things would get easier?! ha, ha!
Being able to discuss things together without letting the kids know is a priority, because we don't want to stress them out, and that leaves limited time to discuss. We have talked about moving with the girls and although they don't want to move, they can be easily pacified with, 'You would get your own rooms!" Well, that works for Amanda. I'm not sure Sydney wants her own room. Just when I feel good about one decision, then the next day I feel the complete opposite is right for us. Lots of praying and pondering and hopefully the answer will become clear soon.
So anyway, I'm happy to say that we are able to leave this behind this weekend and take the girls to Denver to see 'Wicked.' We saw it in NYC last fall and loved it so much that when we got home Mike researched to see how close it was playing and booked this trip to take the girls. I am sad because we are leaving Brandon behind, but know he's in good hands with Aunt Kellie. I am really going to miss him, but it will be short. I will report when we get home. The hardest part is getting packed up and ready to go.
I'm hoping that a weekend away will shed a little light on our future and give us some perspective.
Thursday, May 31, 2007
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Hello Birdies!
Also, here is a picture of the birthday cake I made. The kids loved it. We had 5 little 2 year olds sitting around the table pulling the skittle dots off of it while we were singing! We had a good time.
For Memorial Day, we took the kids to get their pictures taken and then took them to Shrek 3. Well, apparently a lot of families wanted to see Shrek because we were 20 minutes early and had to sit on the FRONT row! Not fun. The kids liked the movie, but it's my least favorite of the three. We decided after to have a throw together bbq with some of the neighbors. For journaling purposes, we had Jensens, Francis', McClearys and the Meyers all come over. It was fun to be able to chat and the kids all had a great time together playing basketball on Brandon's plastic bball hoop, playing soccer and play in the playground/playhouse. It sure was hard to get back to normal life on Tuesday. Mike even came home from work early (5pm) which never happens!!!
Saturday, May 26, 2007
It's Thomas!!!

We love our cute kids!
Us at the Dairy Keen!
My boys on the train! Brandon was so excited! He says, 'Thomas' soooo cute! It's like 'Toe-maass'. He was in Heaven!
I love these pictures of the kids just enjoying the ride! Just pure joy at experiencing something new!

Elyse, Kate, Manda and Sydney on the train! Amanda has this 8 year old thing going with not smiling for pictures. This was the closest thing to a smile that I could get her to do! She has a beautiful smile and I love to see it, but I think it'll be a challenge to get a picture of it for awhile!
Oh, my Dad did the greatest thing! He bought the entire family tickets to the Heber Railroad's Thomas the Tank Engine ride. It's only here for a few days and the place was packed. One railroad worker told us that they sold 5,500 tickets for just today! Unbelievable! Anyway, the kids LOVED it! Brandon and Zachary were so upset when the ride was over they were crying! We first met up at the Dairy Keen in Heber. It's the fast food joint with the train. It's been awhile since Mike and I have been up this way and things are really different. They put this cute little 'train' out front. That was the first place ALL the kids ran to. After everyone had arrived and we had lunch, we headed over to the depot. It was a fun little ride and as you can see by the pictures, we were in an open air car. We could see the whole Heber Valley and it was really beautiful. My brother, Evan and his little family came from Washington (where he is stationed instead of Guam originally), so it was fun to see their baby and to hang out with all my bros and their families. I am really grateful for my parents and my brothers. I think that I had such a great family to grow up with. My brothers are a kick. When we are together, they usually have me laughing so hard I pee my pants! It's so fun to see all of us with our little kids and the cousins love being together.
After the train ride and all the little activities-including this petting zoo which the girls loved (and temporary tattoos which Brandon was mad he could only have one), the rest of the family went fishing (except for us and Darin's family). We came home and kind of crashed. All the kids fell asleep in the car and I like it when that happens because then Mike and I can have some serious talking time without interruption! And believe me, there is a lot of interruptions with our 3 kids!
Anyway, a nice relaxing, fun day topped off by a sushi run. Mike and I have been loving a little late-night sushi. We apparently do this too much because the last time I went to pick up our order, the girl said, "I knew it was you. I know whenever "Mike" calls in a take-out sushi, that it's going to be you who picks it up.' I seriously was a little embarrassed, but then I got over it quick! It's a fun little treat for us.
More family fun tomorrow as we are getting together with the Gibby's again for a bbq before Evan and Jamie head back to Washington. We are celebrating the May birthdays which include Brando and Jamie. I offered to make the cake and found this cute little cake on that looks like a present. If it turns out after I decorate it, I'll post a picture.
I think that Memorial Day weekend is a perfect time to hang with the family. Friday night, Mike's parents took just the adults to dinner. We had a fun time although we were at a long, rectangular table that makes it hard to hear all the conversation. Jim was trying to discuss some things with us and we couldn't hear him, would start another conversation and end up laughing in the middle of his serious discussion! Oh well, it was worth having some kid-free time. It just renews the spirit of happy mothering if you get a small break once in awhile.
So, it's late and I am procrastinating doing my relief society announcement sheet for tomorrow morning, but apparently have time to blog! And I know I'm not making much sense right now because I am exhausted! Peace out!
Thursday, May 24, 2007
Two year old entertainment
I teach piano 4 days a week...two lessons in the morning on Tuesdays & Wednesdays and then at least 2.5 hours each afternoon. My kids do really well at handling things during these hours allowing me to work. Sometimes, it takes a little imagination to keep themselves happy. Today, Sydney was playing at a friend's house (a rare occurence as she usually likes to play at home with her friends) and Amanda was at ballet. I had Brandon in the piano/living room with me and he was just playing behind me. When I turned around, this is what I saw!

He had made his first little hut or fort. He pulled all the cushions off the couches and the chair and stuffed them in this little spot by my curio cabinet. It was so cute! He was so excited about it that it was hard to catch a picture. He would climb on the cushionless couches and fall into his fort. Or he would bury himself in the cushions and just laugh! I couldn't help but giggle myself at this cute moment!
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Being reflective
Mike and I have both been very reflective this week for many reasons. I came across this quote and it gave me a little peace tonight.
"One of the greatest gifts that God gives to each of us is the love we share with our family, friends, and fellowmen. It is this divine gift of love that enriches us, gives meaning and purpose to life, and makes it all worth living. Everything else in life is secondary. Everything. When our time here on earth is over, our lives will not be measured by the riches we accumulate, the honors we receive, the degrees we acquire, or the professional success we achieve, but by our capacity to love and be loved."
"One of the greatest gifts that God gives to each of us is the love we share with our family, friends, and fellowmen. It is this divine gift of love that enriches us, gives meaning and purpose to life, and makes it all worth living. Everything else in life is secondary. Everything. When our time here on earth is over, our lives will not be measured by the riches we accumulate, the honors we receive, the degrees we acquire, or the professional success we achieve, but by our capacity to love and be loved."
Sydney's a preschool graduate!
It finally came! Sydney is now graduated from preschool and all set to go to Kindergarten in the fall! She had her little performance this morning at Barnes Park and it was freezing! But, the kids were darling. They sang their alphabet songs, said the Pledge of Allegiance, and sang, 'God Bless America,' and 'America, the Beautiful.' The whole thing lasts about 20 minutes, but I was so glad to see Mike make it. He really made an huge effort to be there today because he is extremely busy and is trying to leave for an appointment at 3pm today. He's a good Daddy and Brandon and Sydney were thrilled to see him!
Mrs. Evelyn has been a fun teacher and really loves the kids. She did a little scrapbook for the kids and wrote them each a personal letter. Part of Sydney's was: "Everyone loves you, you are such a good listener, a good helper, kind to all and a joy for any teacher. You are wonderful!" Sydney told me her favorite part of preschool was the end of the year waterslide party. Mrs. Evelyn put up inflatable water slides in her backyard and let's the kids party for 2.5 hours!
Hard for me to believe that Sydney will be in regular school in a few months. She is so ready, but it's such a big step away from being my little baby at home! I miss my kids when they are gone all day. Mike and I know we have been so blessed with such special spirits in our home. Love you Sydney and we are proud of you!
Sunday, May 20, 2007
Circle of Life or Mixed Emotions
I wasn't sure what to title this blog. It seems that Circle of Life is appropriate and here's the 2 reasons why.
We got a phone call last night from a gal that works with Mike telling him that she saw on Bowman's marquee 'We love you, Art 1961-2007' Now, Mike and Art are good friends that met when they worked together, hung out at school while getting their graduate degrees, and have kept in touch even though Art went to work in his family business. They just had lunch together less than a month ago and Art had been by our house a couple of times in the past month. We don't know anyone in Art's family, except him and so we were unable to find out what had happened very quickly. Finally, Mike thought he would go to Art's ward to see if they announced anything in sacrament meeting. It seems that Art had a heart attack on Friday night.
When Mike had gone to lunch with him last month, he told Mike that he had just separated with his wife and was really devastated. Mike felt that Art literally died of a broken heart. My tender-hearted husband is really feeling this loss. But, the girls and I have been taking good care of him today.
Now on the lighter side, we got a call from Mike's mom just now telling us that Steven and Hillary just had their new baby girl tonight! She is healthy and Hill is doing well. We are so sad we don't get to see her for awhile because they live back east, but hopefully we'll have some pictures soon. Congratulations Steve, Hill and big sis, Abi! (We don't even know the baby's name!)
So, I guess circle of life is a good description of our past 24 hours. With the sadness of a friend's passing and a life cut short we also get the beauty of a new life beginning. We also get the reassurance that our Heavenly Father loves us and makes it possible for us to experience life with loved ones... special people that touch our hearts and will never be forgotten.
We got a phone call last night from a gal that works with Mike telling him that she saw on Bowman's marquee 'We love you, Art 1961-2007' Now, Mike and Art are good friends that met when they worked together, hung out at school while getting their graduate degrees, and have kept in touch even though Art went to work in his family business. They just had lunch together less than a month ago and Art had been by our house a couple of times in the past month. We don't know anyone in Art's family, except him and so we were unable to find out what had happened very quickly. Finally, Mike thought he would go to Art's ward to see if they announced anything in sacrament meeting. It seems that Art had a heart attack on Friday night.
When Mike had gone to lunch with him last month, he told Mike that he had just separated with his wife and was really devastated. Mike felt that Art literally died of a broken heart. My tender-hearted husband is really feeling this loss. But, the girls and I have been taking good care of him today.
Now on the lighter side, we got a call from Mike's mom just now telling us that Steven and Hillary just had their new baby girl tonight! She is healthy and Hill is doing well. We are so sad we don't get to see her for awhile because they live back east, but hopefully we'll have some pictures soon. Congratulations Steve, Hill and big sis, Abi! (We don't even know the baby's name!)
So, I guess circle of life is a good description of our past 24 hours. With the sadness of a friend's passing and a life cut short we also get the beauty of a new life beginning. We also get the reassurance that our Heavenly Father loves us and makes it possible for us to experience life with loved ones... special people that touch our hearts and will never be forgotten.
Saturday, May 19, 2007
Happy Birthday Brandon!!!!
It's my baby's 2nd birthday today! I can't believe how fast-seriously fast-the last 2 years have gone. I love this age. Just in the past few days he has started to talk more and it's so sweet to hear his little voice! Friday night when we were picking up our traditional Mrs. Backer's birthday cake, we were singing to him on the way home. We were using the 'cha-cha-cha' version of the happy birthday song. Soon, all Brandon would say was, 'Da-da, cha-cha-cha' with a lot of enthusiasm. He also has an obsession with trains. Now, when I say obsession, I mean OBSESSION. He has some little Thomas trains that he carries with him the store, in the car, in the house, etc. and there is big freaking out if one of those trains falls out of his hands! I'm starting to think that this obsession with trains doesn't really end as my Dad has a 'train room' in his home and it's quite the set-up. The grandkids love to see Grandpa's trains. And Grandpa is treating us to the Heber Railroad's Thomas the Tank Engine next Saturday. Brandon is going to think he hit the jackpot! (As well as Zachary and Aidan).
Our soccer babe!

Grandma & Papa Gib
Brandon's starting to get a little tired!
Grandma and Papa Arv
Anyway, our friend, Nicole, gave Brandon a 2 year old haircut today. It's a boy summer cut and it's short! We can spike it up top now, but his curls are gone temporarily. Then, we went to Amanda's last soccer game. She did awesome and stopped 2 goals when she was playing goalie.
After the game we came back to our house with the grandparents and Darin & Kat for dinner and a party. Great bbq and lots of fun. Brandon loved his cake and was blowing out the candles just as Mike would light them. The girls gave B 2 Thomas videos and 2 train cars. G&G Gib gave him a Tonka truck! G&G Arv gave him a Tonka bulldozer. Mom & Dad gave him a Thomas railroad track. He was in Heaven!
Grandma and Papa Arv
We are so blessed to have Brandon in our home. He is such a special light in our lives. He loves his Daddy, loves his sisters, and is a Mom-mom's boy! We have been so blessed! We love you Brandon! Happy Birthday!
Daddy and Brandon playing trains!
Monday, May 14, 2007
Happy St. George Mother's Day!
On Thursday, Mike and I decided it was time to hit the highway! He has been really stressed out with work and so we needed a change of scenery. Our favorite quick spot to get away to is St. George. We are fortunate to have Mike's parent's home to stay in when we go. We just went as our little family this time and can I tell you it was so much fun!
Grandpa has just put t.v.'s in all the bedrooms and the girls each got their own room! They thought it was so cool to watch their own t.v! Brandon did sleep in Sydney's room. A welcome change for Mike and me who usually have him in our room. We got there just after dinner time on Friday night. We stopped for dinner at Kan Kun Restuarant in Beaver. It's a great little mexican place if you ever get there.
Anyway, Saturday we went for a long bike ride with the kids. Around 11 miles. Mike pulled Brandon & Sydney in the bike trailer and Amanda and I rode our own bikes. We were so proud of Amanda for doing so well on this ride! St. George has great biking/running/walking trails that weave through the city. Similiar to the Jordan River Parkway in SL. So smart! I wish our little town did this....Anyway, we stopped at a little park and of course, Mike and Amanda ended up in a water fight! All the kids joined in and I managed to stay dry up until the very end. Then Amanda ambushed me! Mike made it to the top of the killer hill that leads to our place. Amanda and I made it about 3/4 of the way. It was such a fun time. I really, really enjoyed it. As soon as we hit the door, the girls changed into their swimsuits and we ran to the community pool. It's been 96+ in St. George and they don't heat this pool, but it was still freezing! I laughed because there was a cute little couple sitting around the pool reading quietly and here we come tromping in with the girls squealing with delight! They were trying to be polite, but only stayed about 5 minutes after we arrived!
After some great naptimes, we had movie night complete with the Gibson favorite, chocolate and popcorn! Sunday morning my cute hubby made me a wonderful Mother's Day bfast of shrimp and avacado omlet with Bernaise sauce. He's so gourmet! The girls showered me with their cute homemade gifts...the ones that just melt your heart! While we were waiting for the towels to dry so we could head home, we visited the Jacob Hamblin home in Santa Clara. I'm always fascinated by pioneers and their stories. When I was younger, I wanted to live in the Lion House!
We made a stop by each Grandma's house on our way back home. We are so lucky to have such wonderful Mothers in our lives. They are wonderful examples and I hope to be half the mother they are. They are wonderful Grandmas to our children. We love to see their eyes light up whenever their grandmas (and grandpas, for that matter) are around! Oh, Sydney lost another tooth. It was another dangler, and Aunt Kristine just lightly pulled it and out it came! I think Sydney was really surprised that Kris would have tried to get it out! She's having a hard time eating now!
It was such a wonderful weekend, we really didn't want it to end. Hopefully, Mike was rejuvenated. He did call and meet us for lunch today. I just giggle a little because we went to Su Casa and he and his buddies frequent there enough that they are friends with the servers. Jason helped us today and Mike was asking him questions about his new baby, etc. I thought that was really fun! Anyway, back to the grind today, although I have nothing to complain about.
Well, maybe just that every day could be a vacation!
FHE night was exclusively UNO night!

Our family's new favorite game to play is UNO! This game gets pretty intense, even playing with a 5 year old & 8 year old! Brando gets into the act by constantly saying, "UNO!" We have to give him 2 or 3 of his own cards, so he can 'play', too! Amanda and Sydney are quite good and give Mom and Dad a run for our money! Sydney's favorite is to play the Draw 4 Wild card! Ok, I guess we all love that one!
We are so fortunate to have friends who share their swimming pools with us. We had been swimming at the Eames' one afternoon last week and Brandon is loving the water! He doesn't want me to hold him and is already instinctively kicking his legs. Well, as we left the pool, he threw a fit because he wanted to stay. He was kicking and screaming all the way home and the only thing that would settle him down was Thomas the Tank Engine. When I went to check on him, this is what I found! Still dripping wet from the pool and out cold!
Monday, May 7, 2007
Eagle Eye!
Mike had Lasik surgery on his eyes last week. We had been looking forward to this for years! He has not been able to wear contacts for a very long time as they irritated his eyes so bad. He hates wearing glasses and they interfere when he's working, doing yard work, training for his tri's, etc. We went to Hoopes Vision in Sandy and I even got to watch! We have it on DVD if anyone is interested in seeing him 'get sliced up' as he put it. At his post-op check the next morning, the doc said his vision is better than 20/'s 20/15, so now we are calling him Eagle-Eye. The doctor said that at his next check up in one month, it might be even better. Definately worth it!
Now, a funny thing for us last night. We were just looking around the house at things we don't use and could maybe sell. We came across our Yakima Rocketbox which has been sitting in the garage for 5 years. We only used it a couple of times when we had the Jimmy, but no Tahoe. So, Mike went to the on-line classifieds to see what it was worth. We determined it was worth about $200 and he put it up for sale. No lie, within 15 minutes we had a phone call of someone wanting to see it that night (it was already 8:30p), up from the valley this guy came and bought it on the spot! We were laughing that all within one hour, we had decided to sell, put up for sale and sold this box! Yea for us! We may just keep looking for more things to sell...anyone want a dog?
Friday, May 4, 2007
Sydney's all grown up!
Sydney has done a lot of growing up this past week. She isn't scared of the neighbor's dog anymore, she let us pull out that front tooth and now she can ride her two-wheel bike! She was so excited that the next day when she woke up, she didn't even get dressed. She rode her bike until school started! I finally pulled her in the house and we rushed to get her dressed and to school on time. She is so happy and Dad & Mom are so proud of her!
BBBBBalls everywhere!
So, you can totally tell that we have a boy in the house now. I was walking around my house the other day and it seemed that everywhere I looked, there was some type of ball! In the bathroom, in the laundry room, my bedroom, the dining room, etc. Such a cute moment. Thanks, Brandon for bringing a smile to my face!
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