Saturday, January 6, 2007

The Dodo and Hillary

The Dodo was one of my favorite places to eat when I was a working gal. Since then, I have tried to take any opportunity to go there and have their yummy smoked turkey sandwiches and a little toll house pie! So, when Hillary and I were getting together for lunch, I was so happy that she likes the Dodo, too! Hillary was on her way back to Connecticut after being here for Christmas. Can I just tell you how much I enjoy her friendship?! I think we have a bond because our hubby's are so similiar. She is married to Mike's youngest brother, Steven. The boys enjoy teasing each other. It is the basis of their friendship. For Christmas, Mike bought Steven, 'Brokeback Mountain' and went to great lengths to get it wrapped as though it was from their parents. The highlight of this 'gift' was when Steven's bags had to be searched at airport security and the movie was carefully tucked away inside! It was a gift that kept on giving! So, with that little background information, Hillary and I have learned to stick together so that we wouldn't get caught in the middle of the practical jokes. Sometimes it's quite a feat! (Although, I have to admit that sometimes it's fun to help out with the jokes!) Hillary is a sweet and fun gal and I'm blessed to know her. She is such a great mommy to Abi and my whole family is excited for Abi's little sister coming in May. We also enjoy our Utes and had a very memorable Fiesta Bowl experience with them which included a marathon road trip with highlights of the 'Dam'! I know that their experiences working in NYC and living back east are a good thing, but both Mike and I are looking forward to the time when they move back home!


d.r. gib said...

bubba looks exactly like z. they look a lot alike.

Jamie and Family said...

i got a kick out of the brokeback mtn gift! too funny!
