Can I just tell you how much I love my hubby!?!? Mike came home sick on Monday after work. He had the yucky stomach flu and it wiped him out! So, all day Tuesday he was in bed. He never takes a sick day and so I knew he was pretty bad off. I felt so bad for him, but didn't get a chance to baby him much, except for getting him a new movie and some chicken noodle soup. When he started to feel better last night, he told me that I was the best wife. I said, "You just say that because you are sick." But he was so sweet and said, "No, I mean you really are the best wife. I have been watching you today and realized that you have a lot going on!" Talk about a morale boost! It just came at the right time... after a busy day to get a little pat on the back. When you are a stay-at-home mom, you aren't getting a ton of those each day. Mostly you get demands from the children. It's a good reminder to make sure I tell him how much I appreciate him going out into the work jungle and slaying dragons for us each day! I love you, Mikey!
Now, on another winter illness note: Sydney decided not to go to preschool or ballet today because she had a tickle in her throat. I'm erring on the side of caution in case she is getting what Mike had and let her stay home. Her preschool teacher called me and told me that she just found out that a little boy in their class has hand-foot-mouth disease and was at school yesterday! Yikes! So, we are on the look-out and praying she doesn't get it. As a precaution, she is not to touch, kiss, share anything or look at her baby brother!

Now, one more thing! My cute little, Amanda, shown here with her new haircut (she donated her long, beautiful hair to Locks of Love) just got all A's on her report card! She gets basically no help from home (bad Mom) and is doing great. We are so proud of her. After talking to her teacher yesterday at SEP (or Parent/Teacher conference for old schoolers like me), I found out that she is a huge help to the teacher because Amanda is sitting next to a boy who can't read (and whose parents are in denial about it...I guess I'm not that bad of a Mom) and has to read a lot of assignments to him. So, she is doing her work and being a 'teaching assistant'. She has only complained to me about having to sit next to this boy once and I didn't realize how much she was doing for him. Her Daddy and I are so proud of her and that she has a kind spirit about her to help others.
1 comment:
Amanda looks SO cute with her hair! So old too. And SOO much like her mommy!!! What a great oldest child and big helper.
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