Thursday, January 4, 2007

Won Tons Anyone?

I'm feeling so creative today! I belong to a recipe group with some fun gals in this area. We get together once each month and bring dishes based on a theme chosen by the hostess. Each gal is assigned a dish: appetizer, side, salad, main course. Then, we explain how we made it and then get to try them all! It's been a fun group and kind of cool getting to try some new foods. I feel I can 'bring it' whenever I entertain now because I have some good recipes under my belt. Tonight's theme was Chinese New Year and I was assigned an appetizer, so I picked cream cheese wontons-my fav. So easy! (I would have never tried it unless I had this group) So, here are some pictures of the finished (but not 'plated') products. Rangoons and wontons... some with cream cheese and crab, some with just cream cheese. They were a big hit!

We also are finally getting snow! I know down south everyone got snow for Christmas, while we had nothing! This is our first real snowstorm (about 4-5 inches) this season and everyone is pretty excited about it. I shoveled a path out front so that Amanda could get home from school and the piano students could get in and left the driveway for Mike and his snowblower....but our friends, the Orison's, came by on their 4-wheeler with a blade and did the whole driveway for us! Nice to have someone watching out for us. Mike did get to use his snowblower on the sidewalks, which made him happy! And it's good to have a happy hubby! (The picture is out our backdoor)

1 comment:

Jamie and Family said...

those won tons look so yummy! that's a really fun idea!!!