Friday, November 4, 2011

Home again, home again, jiggety jog...or not!

After getting home from Myrtle Beach at about 11:30pm on Sunday, we were back at it again Monday morning!  It's hard to get back into the daily routine after lounging all week!  And, then to add to the chaos, I had scheduled a piano recital on Thursday the 13th. It was a Halloween recital and turned out really cute!

Also, I was stressed out trying to contact the girls ballet school about them missing a Nutcracker rehearsal because Grandma & Papa Arvy were taking us to Pittsburgh to see the Utes play that very Friday!  Thursday I finally got in touch with someone who decided that the girls could stay in the production this year if they don't try out next year as a consequence for missing a rehearsal.  Those were the rules and we were just glad they didn't get kicked out this year.  Sydney would have been devastated!

An update on my knees, too.  I went to the physician's assistant before our trip to drain my left knee thinking that it would feel better with all the walking we were about to do in NYC.  He seems to think I have some arthritis in my knees or else I wouldn't be having the swelling.  He drained my left knee.  After that appointment I ran to the jr. high because of a lunchtime activity (I'm in charge of those through the PTSA this year...).  While there, at the point where the PA inserted the syringe, I got a huge, golf ball sized knot.  It was so swollen and hurt!  I quick call to confirm that it was ok, and I just waited until it subsided.  Then, while on our trip, my knee cap bruised from the 'procedure'  So, I'm thinking it wasn't that great of an idea to get it drained before the trip!
While on our trip, both knees performed well and were up to the task! Yea for working knees!  I also got my eyes checked before the trip.  Looking back, I can't believe we were ready to go on time!  There was a lot packed into those short 4 days between trips!

So, Friday, the kids went to school and Mike worked until it was time to leave for  the airport! I had taken Max to my parent's house in Salt Lake that morning for a 'sleep-over' while we were gone.  We pulled the kids out of school early and we were on our way!  Amanda was excited, even though in this picture on the plane she looks tired!  Maybe she's annoyed that I was taking her picture on a plane!

We were a little concerned about what this 3 days away from school would do to Amanda's grades.  She was getting all A's with 2 A- before our trip.  The next week was the end of the term.  But, guess what? She walked away from first term with Straight A's!  Great job!!!!

More on our trip to come....

1 comment:

Heidi Green said...

Wow - you guys sure know how to pack in the fun! I can't believe how strict they are about the Nutcracker. I'm glad they didn't kick them out this year though. And boo for your knee but yea that it was ok for your trip. How's it doing now? Congrats on straight A's Amanda!!