Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Empire State Building

This visit, we decided to go to the Empire State Building at night!  It was gorgeous!
This was a highlight for the kids because of the movie, Elf.  We had been quoting the movie since the day we arrived in NYC!

 It was really, really cold on 3 of the 4 viewing areas outside, so the pictures of Sydney and Brandon happened inside!

 "I'm looking for a Walter Hobbs!?"

"I'm here, with my Dad, and we've never met, and he wants me to sing him a song...and, and I was adopted, but he didn't know I was born. So I'm here, Dad, I found you, Daddy and guess what? I love you, I LOVE YOU, I LOOOOOOOOVE YOU!

1 comment:

Sarah@The Best Stuff said...

Oh wow...what great pictures of the view!! I never saw the view from at night! Well, one more thing to add to my list of things that I still need to see next time I go to NYC again! :)