Friday, July 2, 2010

Summer stuff-not quite a week in review

See this? It's Sydney and Abby climbing over the neighborhood common area fence to go to the fort! Over the fence is the rail trail....the city/county/state...I'm not sure whom...has been covering over 'out of use' train tracks with asphalt to make walking/biking trails. It's a great asset to our little community and gets used constantly. Past the rail trail is a farm (which we hope stays a farm-it has cows and sheep!), but the kids have discovered a spot in the trees where they could make a fort. There have been a few power struggles between kids in the neighborhood whose fort it is, but I think my kids and their friends keep coming out on top.
So, Sydney's bff, Abby, has been on her grandparent's ranch forever. Well, it feels like forever. They were supposed to be gone for 3 weeks. But, her great-uncle just died, so everyone came back to the Wasatch Front for the funeral. Yea for us! I hope that's not irreverant...but we miss Abby! Abby missed Sydney, too. She would call everyday from the ranch. Well, Wednesday, that call included the information that Abby was going to be home for a couple of days! YEA! Rachel, Ab's mom, dropped her at our house as soon as they got in the neighborhood, the girls played, had a sleepover, got up and played, went across the street to the Morgan's who just had twins-to help tend/play with their 2 year old, played, went to Abby's grandma's to swim, came home played and then Abby had to leave.
So, now we are in mouring again. Sydney has called a bunch of girls and everyone is's going be a long week and a half!

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