We finally were able to take the boat out for the first time this summer. It rained all of June and then we had to get some repairs done on the boat. So, this was the first chance we had. Normally, we would not go on a holiday, but decided to try Willard. Mike called our nephews, Brock and Corvin and they met us there.
It was fun to see them. It had been awhile. Mike was in his element, teasing the kids with the music he would choose and his dancing! It's fun when your kids start to get embarrassed! We put on Miley Cyrus' Party in the USA and would sing and dance.
It was warm, but not hot and not too crowded until later that day. The kids tubed, went swimming and just had a great time. Mike took Brock, Amanda and Corvin for some great tube rides. Brandon, Sydney and I did some great, mellow rides. Sydney did venture out with Corvin and Amanda a couple of times.
The boys had to leave around 2pm, and so our little family stayed on the lake a little longer. Pretty soon, the water was so choppy from so many boats there that we decided it wasn't going to get better and we loaded up and left. Mike decided we needed sushi for dinner and no one complained! We stopped at Tepanyaki and sat at the sushi bar. Amanda and Brandon can pound sushi rolls. Sydney tried one, but she doesn't love it. She's a good sport to put up with us.
I would love to do this everyday!
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