We made homemade rootbeer!
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Floats, Faces and Fun - take 2
We made homemade rootbeer!
Floats, Faces and Fun
Brandon being a monkey!
Hugs for Dad!
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Week/month in Review
This will be a dry post. Mostly just for journaling purposes. Sometimes I forget to write down the everyday stuff and someday someone might find that interesting. Someday, I might just need to know a date that something happened....
Sydney has been helping our neighbor, Natalie, playing with her 21 month boy, while she feeds her newborn twin boys. She's quite overwhelmed....who wouldn't be. So, Sydney heads over there when Natalie doesn't have someone there to help. Nat says she's been helpful. I think it's great service. Natalie and Chris keep asking what they can do for Sydney and she's good and just says nothing! I like to play with Drake! Her bff, Abby, is back now and so they have been having a great time playing! Today we went to lunch with her and Rachel, Lucy, & Brooks. It was fun, but short as Brooks threw up! Poor kid!
My friend, Elise and I got pedi's last week. It was so nice to chat with her while we got our feet pampered! I was using my Mom's day gift card and so it was even better! Then, all spa services were 20% off for July! Jackpot!
Saturday, Mike took Amanda to the Justin Bieber concert (see post), I dropped Sydney and Brandon off at Roger's house for Elyse's swim bday party and I headed to Rachel Medina's baptism. It was so great to be there with with Staci and her family...and so great to see Bud & Kay. We love them so much. Kevin did a great job and we headed to their house afterward for yummy lunch and Michele's Vintage Cupcake mini-cakes. Yum! My parents came up to Staci's after Elyse's party and brought Sydney and Brandon with them. It was fun to visit with my parentals, too. I love them so much, too! Sydney showed off her cute tie-dyed t-shirt she had made in activity days. It looks professional! Everyone said that Mike gets 'father of the year' award for taking Amanda to the concert!
I also saw a new doc who is all about getting my thyroid, hormones and weight under control! I was feeling relief after chatting with him. It's a continuing saga....my vitamin D was way low again, so I'm back on some super-supplements.
Sunday, Mike had to go to Grand Junction, CO. Their manager over there died in his sleep. He was 58. Scary. So, Mike has to go help get things moved around and under control. He'll probably be there next week, too. He works so hard. We can never thank him enough. I hope someday he can get the rest and relaxation he so deserves!
I had recipe group on Tuesday night. It was good to get there this month. We did freezer meals for Natalie. We learned how to make Nicole's mom's 1 hour bread. Yum! We stayed later than usual and it was great! My cute girls watched Makell's, Beckham, so she could come. Not that it was hard. He and Brandon hung out and did Star Wars stuff. I love Star Wars!
Yesterday, I taught piano, took dinner to the Taylor's and got the house ready for Mikey to get home! He drives when he goes to Grand Junction. It makes me nervous. So, I'm always relieved when he makes it back. I was a crying mess when he left on Sunday.
We are looking forward to the last day of art (I'll have to post their pictures), boating tomorrow night and a hot, but great, weekend! Mike will probably go to G.J. on Sunday again. We are going to have Rog & Coze's kids sleep over while Coze goes to girl's camp (she's the new YW pres in her ward-so both of them are going), the Pioneer Days float preview with the cousins, and Brandon has a couple of birthday parties to go to. So far, we haven't done anything on our list of stuff to do during the summer....better get busy on that!
So, if you read this far, congrats....it's over.
Monday, July 12, 2010
1st time at Echo!
When we first got there, it was sooo windy! I thought we weren't going to be able to get behind the boat at all. Mike told the girl at the gate to make the wind stop and she said she would do the wind dance. It must have worked because after about a 1/2 hour, the wind died down and we were one of two boats on the lake! This is why we LOVE Echo!
Nicole and Kash
We just rode the tube for most of the night. I went out with Brandon and Zoe. Thanks to Mike's smooth ride, the kids were super brave and were doing tricks like standing up, turning around and showing off. They didn't want to get back in the boat!
We almost made it to Taggart's before the closed, but not quite. It's a little restaurant in Taggart that has great desserts and a beautiful setting nestled in the mountain. So, we made our usual stop at the 7-11 in Morgan for some slushies and ice cream. I love this boating tradition. I'm pretty sure the kids and Mikey love it, too. I would do this every night because it's so fun to be together as a family enjoying the great outdoors! We were so glad the Francis' could come. They are a fun family!
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Bieber Fever
Mike took the girls to dinner at Ruby River and then headed to the E Center.
Can you just see the joy in their faces?
They had great seats and even moved closer to the stage. Amanda said Justin looked right at them! "Squeal!" So cute...Mike said they were really cute dancing and running back and forth from their closer seats back to him. What a great memory!