Wednesday, June 2, 2010

The Birthday!!

May 19th our baby turned 5! I spent the day with him looking at his baby books and then crying! It was so hard! He's just my little buddy and I love having him around. I'm not wanting him to grow up. Mike thinks it's great that he's growing up! Kids are more fun to play with when they are older. Anyway, for his birthday dinner he wanted hot dogs! Yippee! An easy one!
He got some awesome Star Wars legos! We also got him the new Mario Galaxy game for the Wii, but had to wait until it 'came out' on Friday. Brandon told me his favorite thing to do with his Dad is play the's a guy thing.
The official cake!

Putting together the legos!


Cath said...

Man! I've missed a lot! Fun catching up on your blog. Can you believe our kiddos are FIVE? Your youngest. My oldest. Time is flying. Loved all the pictures, the parties, temple square. You guys have a beautiful beautiful family.

Makell said...

I love Mike's face as he is trying to put together the Lego set....He needs to just give it to the 5 year old. They're much better than we are!
We really should have Brandon and Becks play - they are both really big Lego/star wars fans. They could keep each other busy for a while!