I am going to try to sum up our summer by weeks. Sometimes the everyday stuff gets forgotten and since this is my journal-I wanted to add a few of the mundane!
Our first week out of school was filled with job lists, piano lessons, swim lessons, Amanda babysitting for neighbors and friends! Sydney took a week of swimming lessons with her friend, Abby. She had a great time, even though I had told her she didn't have to take lessons anymore. These were one-on-one lessons, so Sydney's teacher and Abby's teacher had the girls race across the pool using different strokes. Sydney did awesome! She could beat Abby in everything, except the breast stroke. She had great form! Well done, Syd!
We visited Krispy Kreme for free donuts for grades! Always a favorite!
Sydney and Abby had a lemonade sale! I love how they do this any chance they get. They are very creative with their marketing. They grabbed the ward phone list and told whomever would answer to come by for some lemonade and also asked them to leave a tip! Who's kids are these?
(They didn't make this much money.
I found out a few days later that they raided my change jar).
There were many 'late nights' that resulted in Amanda having a nap a couple of times this week!
Maybe she's having a growth spurt!
Brandon dragged out a bunch of his Star Wars toys
and has been playing with them for hours! Hooray for no schedules!!!
I taught piano 2 days this week. I had to call many of my students to remind them of the new summer times. Like I said before, no schedules! :) But it's so nice to be teaching for only 2 days during the week.
We visited the orthodontist to get Sydney's retainer adjusted. I took Amanda to the dentist where she had NO cavities! Oh, that reminds me that I owe her $10. We pay the kids if they have no cavities because it's cheaper than having to pay to get cavities filled.
Any incentive to motivate good oral health!
We worked in the garden and cut some of our beautiful peonies
to bring some color into the house! Who are those cute kids?!?! 
And, I finally cleaned my wood floors!!! YEA!
Week one is in the books...This next week is filled with ballet recital, etc.,
so I'll post some fun pictures soon!
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