Thursday, May 20, 2010

Brandon's croquet par-tay

We had the grandparents up on Monday to celebrate Brandon's birthday (more on that to follow). We had a nice little dinner - compiled of food mostly bought at Costco! Everytime someone would say something was good, I would reply, 'Costco' Gotta love Costco.

Anyway, Brandon had his heart set on playing croquet with everyone after dinner. Being good family members, we happily agreed. The game grew quite heated between the grandparents. I was surpised at how well my Dad knew the rules. Brandon enjoyed every minute!
Pictures from the rest of the party I will need to get from my Mom as my camera battery died. Thanks grandparents for a fun night celebrating our little Brandon!


Sarah@The Best Stuff said...

How cute that he wanted to play croquet!! :) I'm not sure my kids even know what the game is....

Makell said...

Can we borrow your set this summer? I haven't played croquet forever and my kids would love anything that resembles a giant hammer!
Why don't you just invite us over for a round or two...and serve us ice cream cones and cookies. Yes?

Jill said...

You are welcome anytime, Makell!