Sushi is what Mike & I love to eat now when we have a choice. Amazingly enough, our kids love sushi, too! I'm not sure this is a good thing. Then we have to share! It's not like sushi is a cheap thing. But, we do love that our kids have some extreme tastes. Amanda can eat a whole roll by herself. Brandon chows it down. Sydney will alway eat one or two pieces.
I called up Elise Jensen to see if she and Darin wanted to come along. They are our sushi friends. When we need a sushi fix, we call each other.
It was so much fun! Even thought I did feel quilty as I dragged him across the Gateway into this kitchen store, when we could have just walked a little farther to the east and been at the 2nd round of the NCAA tourney. Had I known Salt Lake was hosting, I probably would have bought tickets for that instead of this cooking class. Sorry, babe!
Anyway, I think Mike should have been a chef. He was making great rolls and then plating them. I just sent my over to the chef to cut and plate it up.
He spent some time chatting with the chef and his assistants asking them how long it took to get where they are. It was a good outlet for his creative side! He's a chef trapped in an accountant's body! He was a maverick, too, because he did an inside-out roll while the rest of us were doing an outside in....I can't remember all the names!
He and Darin were having some competition. Here's Mike's rainbow roll.
The sad thing was that we ran out of vegi's, etc and so the rolls got kind of boring after a bit. We had about 20 people in our class.
As I was making my leftover roll....all there was left was fish and rice....I went to cut it and sliced my finger a bit. This, of course, after the chef said don't cut yourself. So, I got a little band-aid and Mikey was good enough to cut and plate my leftover roll.
Elise with one of the knives....see why I cut myself? I kept feeling like we were in the movie, 'Hitch' where they go to the cooking class.....the set-up was pretty similair. You would think the best part would have been eating the sushi, but to tell you the wasn't! Rookies just don't know how to put the flavors together. We will still just eat out for our sushi.
Anyway, we had a great time! So glad that the Jensen's joined us! Elise & I want to grab some gals and do another class....they have a ton...and it was tons of fun!!!
How fun you guys went to the sushi class too! And you are SO right... all that sushi made by newbie sushi chefs... I only got a couple of pieces that tasted all that great. I guess it comes with more experience. :) But it made for a fun date night. And Mike's rolls look amazing!
Thanks for the great idea, Sarah!
I've always wanted to do a class there - so call me if you decide to do it again. I can't believe you got Mike to go. That is the most impressive part! He looks like a natural.
ps - Take it from a professional finger slicer upper.
Stay away from the knives. Trust me.:)
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