Friday, she came home and asked me if she could fake sick (this is our straight A student talking!) on Monday so she wouldn't have to give the report. This continued all weekend long. She is worried that she'll be so nervous that she'll break down and cry. This has happened to her in Primary for talks and prayers, but not recently. Even a couple of weeks ago, she played a memorized piano piece in the recital without a problem. But, this report (which she just reads aloud), is throwing off her groove.
The kids were in bed tonight, when we heard Amanda call for us saying Sydney was crying. Sydney was in the middle of a panic attack! I went in and started trying to calm her down. Then, my wonderful husband pulled her into our room and sat with her, dried her tears, talked about her 'world record' which comes from a video about Chad Hymas that Mike brought home to discuss this past week. (Really inspirational stuff) He calmed her fears.
For about ten minutes, I got to witness the tender care of a Daddy to his little girl.
He prayed with her and then tucked her into bed.
She was ready to go to sleep and could face her day tomorrow.
Luckily, I get to be there to see her give her report. Mike would be there, but has a plane to catch. But, I feel like he did more to support her tonight.
He gave her courage.
I am a little teary eyed reading this - those are the best pay-off moments as a parent.
I'm sure she'll do great - Straight A student, eh? Impressive!!
So sweet!! Gave me chills. Thank you for sharing!
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