Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Friends in high places.....

Yesterday, Sydney came home from school and didn't say a word. She just giggled and giggled and giggled. I asked her what was up. She started digging in her backpack and proceeded to pull out a paper which stated that she was selected to have lunch with the Mayor this Friday! She's so cute. She got picked last year, too. But, she still so giddy about it!

We are proud of you, Sydney!
Addtion: I wanted to add what Sydney's teacher wrote about her and why she was picked. "She is a well-behaved, great student. She does her best at school and is friendly to others. She overcame her fear of giving her oral animal report in front of the class last week. Even though she was tearful and afraid, she showed bravery and a willingness to do something that was hard for her, even though I gave her the option of just reading her report to me alone. She did a great job! She is a wonderful young lady and I am happy to have her in my class!" Karen McKinnon - 2nd Grade

1 comment:

Do anything you can afford said...

Congratulations - syd - we are very proud of you. You'll have to give us the detail about your lunch.