We had a nice
family outing today. We took the kids to see
Alice In Wonderland.
We weren't able to get any tickets for 3D (sold-out and truth be told, I hate wearing the glasses), but we did get into a small theater to see it in non-3D.
Still quite an adventure!
Amanda and Dad were going to go skiing today, but she woke up with this killer cold our family is dealing with. She even had a little fever. But, we figured if we give her Motrin, she would be able to sit in a theater and watch a movie just as she would watch tv at home. She's a trooper...
I know the kids like it better when Dad comes to movies because he gets them treats.
I am too cheap. I get them treats, but not like their Dad. Today, he got them Pucker Power tubes. They are 12 inch tubes that you fill up from a carousel of colored sugar....kind of like pixie stix.
The tubes were quite pretty when they finished the filling process.
The kids were in heaven! Dad is the best!
The movie was good! It kept everyone's attention for the entire show! Brandon thought a few parts were a little scary. We'll see if he has any nightmares. But we had fun.
I love taking the kids to movies!
We hit Iggy's for dinner and got to watch the Jazz game on the big, big screen which amazed the kids. They kept looking for their buddy, CJ Miles.
I could tell that we wore them out because our car ride home was pretty quiet!
Great day with my awesome family!