Thursday, February 11, 2010

Love the dog...don't love the hair...

Since the weather turned chilly, big Max gets to sleep inside. He has a specified spot...on an old towel next to the chaise on Mike's side of the bed. He does really well and we can tell he appreciates and prefers the nice, warm bed as opposed to the freezing patio. The dog has a dog house...he's scared to go inside.

Can you imagine? This big, scary, intimidating doggy is scared of the dark?

So, now I have a hair removal routine every morning. These are my tools of the trade. First I take the old towel outside and give it a shaky, shaky, shake. Then, it goes into the garage where it will wait until all the old towels are ready to go in the wash. Then, I do a quick wash with them, fold them, and leave them on the laundry floor until they are ready for use.

Next, I use the vacuum without the power head to remove all stray hair from the chaise, blankets, bedspread, pillows, and bedskirt. Then, I use the lint roller on the kids. See, they LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the dog and HUG and HUG and HUG the dog. BLAHHHHHHHHH. Then, I vacuum our entire bedroom and hall. Only then, do I feel like I can make the bed. It gets a little old, but it's worth it because we love the dog.....

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