Mike & I love our cars. However, we haven't had the best of luck, lately. Last year, they each were both in the shop multiple times for leaks, etc. This year, it seems we are going to be in the shop for body repairs!
Crunch #1 happened to
Mike's car at
church. A newbie driver backed into his car. (about $1000 to repair!) I'm going to sound old now, but 'gotta love those teen-agers.' A whole slew of 16 year old whippersnappers in our ward will be getting their coveted drivers licenses this year.
Be on the look-out!
Crunch #2 happened to me today. While sitting in the left-hand turn lane waiting to get on the freeway, a gal in a Ford F350 with a lift-rear-ended me! Nice. (Estimated $2800 to repair!)It doesn't look that bad unless I point a few things out. The hatch won't open. The right side of the bumper is jammed in against the car. There are some slight puncture wounds in the hatch and in the bumper. The truck who hit me lost her front license plate! Not a fun way to start the day. I was just glad that none of the kids were with me. Now the dealing with the awful insurance company begins.
Anyone have a spare rabbit's foot or two?
So sorry about the crunches. At least you know how they happened. I have several dings and dents that I don't know what happened. Good luck with the Insurance Co.
If you find a rabbit's foot that works, send it on over this way! We've had a long string of "bad luck" for quite a while now! It's time for a change!
Stupid people can really mess up your day, eh? At least both were not high speed crashes! (or your fault!).
Looks like we passed on our bad "car luck" onto you! Good luck!
Oh man! So sorry!!! Ya hate to spend money on those things, huh??? At least you're okay. You ARE okay right?
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