Tuesday, January 5, 2010

"word" of the year

I will get around to posting Christmas and New Years soon.....I had hoped to get it all done today, but Amanda is home sick and I will be taking her to the doc this afternoon. Then, once 3pm hits, my day is over for anything but the necessities!

However, as I was reading some of the blogs I follow this morning, I came upon one gal that picks a theme word or phrase for her year. Something to focus and concentrate on the entire year! I have many goals for the year, but concentrating on this word seems to be less overwhelming....My theme word is 'Determined' This word sums up my resolutions and my hopes for the coming year.

As we teach our cute girls in Young Womens.....you must write a goal/theme down and review it often to acheive. So, it is officially written down!

1 comment:

Sarah@The Best Stuff said...

I've noticed a lot of people doing the word as a goal/resolution/yearly motto too. I think my word would be/is "Balance".