Cute kiddos waiting for the moment when they could open gifts!

Happy Christmas morning!

Awesome Star Wars ship!

Amanda after Dad got her with the silly string!

Sydney's very own travel pillow...courtesty of Kalee Lucas! She was so excited!

Lots of surprises!

Dad handing out the gifts....

Yea! Some new Wii games!

World of Zoo for the Wii!

What could this be?

Brandon hit the jackpot! He's so happy!

Lots of reading ahead!

Yea! A Camera!!

Sydney's new camera.....cutest blue/green color....didn't work. Now she has a cute pink camera instead!!

What could this be?

Moment of surprise and happiness....that is a smile!

Yea!!! A new camera!!!

Here's Amanda's haul...Wii Fit, cute clothes, cute boots, Harry Potter series and other stuff....

Sydney's haul.....easy bake oven, cute clothes, pictureka, camera and more stuff!

Here's B with his new DSi! He is so happy not to be using his sister's pink and white DS's anymore!

Mikey got a calendar of the kids, an AWESOME ice scraper with a glove attached to keep fingers warm....he thinks it's gay, so I'll take it back...shirt, pants, and a SUPERCOOL framed poster/picture and ticket from last year's Utah win at the Sugar Bowl! I'll get a picture of it later.

Mikey also replaced my 'dog-destroyed' camera with this hot little red Cannon! Love it! He also gave me some cases. One for the camera and a couple for the cute little red iPod to use while working out! Yea!!

Isn't my iPod pretty?!?!?! I have messed around with it a little and it does AWESOME things! Video, radio, you can tag songs off the radio, watch movies, plus listen to music! Thanks, Babe! I love it!!! We had a great Christmas! After lying around all morning, we headed to visit Mike's Grandma who is in the hospital. Only Mike went in. Then we headed to my parents and spent some time exchanging gifts and visiting with them and also Darin & Kat. Then, off to the Arveseth's for some Christmas chaos! We were spoiled and had a wonderful time!
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