Finally, B's turn for the first day of school came! Angie, Emily & I were prepared to each take our boys for the first day and do the ceremonial picture taking thing. But, as we have learned lately, boys are not sentimental or particularly emotional about the first day. I ended up taking Spencer with Brandon. Matthew was slated to go with us also, but at the last minute got a little nervous.
When we arrived, the boys ran into school without looking back! They had a great first day and came out with their 'All About Me' crowns. Before we jumped in the car, I had to take some pictures. These are the cutest preschoolers around!
Brandon had a harder second day. He didn't understand the tracing assignment. He kept saying he didn't know how to do 'little lines' I think he was trying to connect the lines and let's face it, that would be difficult! After some Mom-time, I was able to explain it to him and he finished up his work. We snuggled on the couch as we talked about his day and all was well again! The next day he came home with a note saying he did 'Awesome School Work Today!' Way to go, B!
Does it make me a bad mom if I admit that I can't wait for Lilian to go to preschool?? I'm glad Brandon is having such a great time at his preschool. :)
No, Sarah! It's awesome! At first, I didn't know what to do with my free time (the whole 2.5 hours!). Now, it's so nice to have some quiet time to get things done (or not!)
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