Baptism Day!!!

Our Family!

It finally came! Sydney's baptism! She has been looking forward to this day for 6 months! She has practiced with Dad and asked many questions. During her Bishop's interview, he mentioned that Sydney was the most mature 8 year old he had ever met! He was also impressed with her reading skills as we were reading scriptures together and she got some big words right! Sydney was very emotional for a few days leading up to today. She kept telling me that her eyes were getting teary. I told her it's just fine and that she is feeling the Spirit!
Friday, we spent the day getting ready. We made sure her dress was right and that everyone had shoes ready. Mike had to be in Denver all day Friday, so I was rushing to get everything done. I cooked bbq chicken all day! Needless to say, we were all pretty tired by this morning! But, everyone woke up on time and happy! We were able to get to the stake center on time and meet our wonderful family!

When we got to the stake center, D & Kat and kids were there to greet us!
We missed a few of Mike's family and of course, Evan & Jamie who are in WA at McChord AFB. But, we had both grandparents, my 3 brothers and their families (including McKenzie!), Scott & Zac, Doug & Cath and all 5 of their kids, Steve & his family, Kevin & Staci and kids, Janice & Gary with Matt & Jeff, and cute friends-Rachel Orison with Abby & Lucy and Elise Jensen with Justin.

Grandma & Papa Gib
Grandma & Papa Arv
We had Brother Elliott from the Bishopric give us a great talk on the Holy Ghost. Liz Kennedy from the Primary give us a talk on Baptism. The kids in the congregation sang 'When I Am Baptized' and Sydney's Primary teacher, Sarah Croft played the piano for us. Also baptized today was Dallin Barlow. I said the opening prayer and started crying after 'Our Dear Heavenly Father...'
Grandpas were witnesses and Mike performed the ordinances. He did a great job and was emotional himself during her blessing. It was a very special day for our family and we are so grateful for all the friends and family that made it so. Thank you to all that came to share our day! Congratulations, Sydney!
Sydney moments after being baptized! She is clean and pure!
Sweet, sweet girl...I just love her!!
What a special day! She just shines!!
Wow - What happened to little Syd? That is awesome - I just didn't realize how grown up she is!!
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