Kat invited us to have breakfast on her birthday! I thought what a FANTASTIC idea! I sent the girls to school (and darn it, they found out what we were doing this morning!), and packed up Brandon and his little friend, Matthew, whom we were tending and headed south!
So, we stopped, found the last pair of shorts in a size 5, tried them on to make sure, and found some new shoes which he liked. About now, the sugar kicked in and Matthew and Brandon, fueled by each other's company, started running around in the dressing rooms and hiding out under the clothes hanging on the racks. I couldn't get out of there fast enough! It reminded me why I like to shop when everyone is at school!
Cute Hill with a light of hope! Scheduled to be induced in a few weeks! Cute Emma Lulu, Courtney and darling baby!
Zachary giving me his million dollar grin!
Cozette's action shot! Displaying our love of the waffles! Love it!
Just a quick side note: Last Wednesday, Cath & Doug took us to see David Wilcox at a little bar downtown, called The State Room. It was a great place for an intimate concert! The artist could talk with the audience and the acoustics in the room were fabulous! This was the first time Mike and I had ever heard of David Wilcox, but apparently he has quite a following. We saw the Lenz' from our ward, along with Michael McLean (LDS songwriter whom Mike sat next to) and Richard & Linda Eyre...self-proclaimed parenting experts. The theater only holds about 300 people. At the break, the artists came out into the foyer to talk with the guests! Randall Williams opened for Wilcox and I found him very interesting and full of passion for life. His story is that he sold all his possessions and set sail without any previous sailing experience. He took his guitar along and wrote songs. His guitar is truly part of him. The way he played was fascinating to watch! Cath bought his book (which details his travels) and I hope to borrow it when she's done. It was nice to get out in the middle of the school week and spend a little time together. It was relaxing to listen to acoustic guitars and lyricists whose words make you stop and think. Made me wish I would have accomplished my goal of pulling my guitar out of the closet this summer and learning to play again! Ah, to every thing there is a season!
And another: A little girl's night out on Friday! I headed out with Nicole, Lindsay, Emily and Rachel. We went to Hip & Humble. Never had been before, but it's a cute, funky store! Found a couple gifts. Then, we headed to Gateway and shopped a little. A little dinner at Z'Tejas. Good times! We had a little melt-down with the kids. I thought Mike was closer to being home from work and let Amanda go with Maddy to dinner and movie. When I finally got in touch with Mikey, he had been to Provo with FSU. He was at least an hour away. I had no idea he had gone or I wouldn't have let Amanda go. So, I sent Sydney and Brandon to Harwood's. Pretty soon, the two went home after Brandon was crying about something. Even after Scott had gone back to get them, Sydney refused to leave our house! B went back over. I realized that I hadn't fed the kids because Mike was going to take them to dinner. So, her goes Sydney into her low-blood sugar fit. I called Elise to go get her and Syd refused to go with them. Wouldn't even open the door! So, I spent a great deal of time on the phone with Sydney, until Mike got home. Then, everything was fine! Amanda had a great time, too, and I was glad she could go since she is always so good about tending for us! Thanks to Scott and to Elise for trying to help us out! I owe you!
1 comment:
I love Hip and Humble down on 13th or 9 th somewhere right? That is a really cool store and it's sort of tucked away. Call me next time you venture down....
Where is Red rooster waffle co? That sounds delish! I got a laugh out of Brandon doing his size checking procedure with his shorts. That is awesome...
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