Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Happy 8th Birthday, Sydney!

Today is Sydney's 8th Birthday! We love you so much Sydney and are grateful to have you in our family! Your entrance into this world was rough! I remember the nurse and Anesthesiologist up on my bed pushing on my stomach trying to get you born! When you came out, you were a lovely shade of greyish-blue and not really breathing yet. They didn't even let Dad cut the cord before they whisked you away to get you breathing. I remember telling Dad, go with the baby and see if she's ok! Gratefully, you were ok! After a few doctor's visits to fix your strained neck muscles, you were as good as new! And we were in for an adventure! Fiesty and strong with strawberry blonde, curly hair, you were the complete opposite of your sister!

You were a great sleeper, loved your naps and your ba-ba. You loved following your sister around and you two used to give each other big hugs! (Someday I hope that returns). You loved to be carried....something that is still true as you made Dad 'carry' you to the kitchen this morning! You are a girly girl and have a cute personality and sense of humor! We love you!

Here are 8 more things about Sydney:

1. Sydney LOVES babies! She would always hold Brandon when he was a baby (she was 3.5), while I got things done. She never got tired of holding him and she can put any baby to sleep!

2. Sydney loves girly things like pretty dresses and make-up. She a little fashionista-always putting outfits together and accessorizing. She also loves to dance, tumble and sing!

3. She is a tease. She's always trying to fool Josh & Taylor (the neighbor boys), by telling things like, 'I got stiches this weekend'. I keep telling the boys to not believe everything she says!

4. We always have to make sure Sydney has eaten every few hours, or her blood-sugar gets too low and she loses it! It took us awhile to figure this out, but every once in awhile we forget. If Sydney starts to lose it, we remind her to hold it together until she can eat by saying, 'The walrus screams at midnight' Not sure where that came from...Dad & Syd just started saying it!

5. Sydney is super smart! She is really quick with math! (she gets this from her Dad). I rarely have to help her with homework.

6. Sydney stays on-task. She is good with checking things off lists. Let me explain. For chores, I make the kids a chore list. She will crank out all her chores and doesn't stop until she has checked everything off! I know that if I need something done, I just put it on a list for Sydney.

7. Sydney has a great imagination and always makes up the greatest games to play!

8. Sydney is soooo excited to get baptized! She has been talking about it for 6+ months! She has made Dad practice with her so she gets it right. The Bishop told her at her baptism interview that she is the most mature 8 year old he's ever interviewed. She read a scripture for him and he couldn't believe how well she could read! This will be a big day for Sydney and she can't wait!

Sydney, Dad & I love you sooooo much! We are so happy that you are in our family! You are so important to us! We love that you are a great daughter and a great sister! You keep us laughing! Happy Birthday, Syd-Syd!

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