Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Star Wars Rules!

Just an far, everyone is feeling better. We found out Mike's cholesterol is high and now are working to get our butts in gear and get healthy again. I guess Mike had high cholesterol before he left for his mission. I had forgotten that, but now am aware that we need to watch him. The last time he had a physical, everything was good. Of course, that was 6 years ago. We also found out by chatting about this with his Mom, that he has diabetes in his family, too (aunt and uncle). I think we are having a little health wake-up call now and are concerned about keeping our kids healthy. So much to worry about these days, isn't there?
(WARNING: Potty talk to follow)
Which brings me to our next concern.....Brandon's #2 potty issue. We are STILL working on it. However, we feel we may have found some motivation that will stick this time. It's these little Star Wars guys. I have to say they are pretty cute. He's obessed with them! So, I got him some, with the promise that when he does his number in the potty, he gets more.

The first day, he did 50/50. When he first accomplished this goal, we went straight from the bathroom to WalMart to buy Star Wars guys. We he fell off the wagon, the guys were mine!
I put them in a grocery sack on top of the fridge. When I started teaching piano later that day, I heard a grocery sack rustling in the kitchen. I jumped up and found him with a barstool pushed over to the fridge and he was in mid-Star Wars guy recovery.
I stopped his operative and that started an hour of crying....'I want my guys back! I want my guys back!' But I held strong and eventually, he earned them back.

Today was a good day! I didn't have to take them at all! He did keep asking for more guys today (he's after General Greivous), and I had to endure more tears, but reiterated the plan of him using the potty for #2 and then we'll buy more guys.

Brandon with Darth Vadar and yes, that is Star Wars for the Wii on the t.v....I told you,
it's an obession!
I know this is the expensive way of doing this (buying toys), but I am so done changing soiled unders! We had to find something he cared about and I think this is it! Cross your fingers, say a little prayer for us, light a candle, wish on a star....we are hoping this works this time!!!!


Hillary said...

That's good to know about Mike and their family history, I think Steve needs to be more aware of that kind of stuff as he has been gaining a bit of weight lately (his words, not mine-not trying to be mean here). He just joined a gym, but I bet our diet could use an overhaul-you'll have to give me some tips!

d.r. gib said...

Those are cute little guys. I say if it works, do it! I loved the image of him trying to rescue the little guys from the top of the fridge! Good luck! Tell him he can call and tell Zach every time too if that helps. PS Zach is wearing the same outfit as Brandon today, surprise, surprise!

Alisa said...

Good luck! I hope it works! It is always so frustrating to be in this phase. He will get through it, though!