Last week was reading week at the girls' school. Our friend, Rachel Orison, was in charge and asked me to help out. She always has great ideas and is a pro at putting events together. One of the nights was a UTAH/BYU night. She invited her brother, Morgan Scalley....well-known former Utah football player (part of the 2004 Fiesta Bowl original BCS bowl busters) and current defensive assistant coach, and a couple of players. Also, Brandon Doman, former BYU quarterback. They talked with the kids and read their favorite books. These guys were really cool and awesome to give up their night to spend time in Kville with these youngsters!

So, Morgan was up first and he called AMANDA up to help him illustrate his story! She didn't know much about the football terminology he was asking her, but she did a great job! The fun thing is that the kids and I went to Rachel's house to watch the Sugar Bowl with them. After they won, Abby called her Uncle Morgan to congratulate him and when she got voicemail left him a message and then both Amanda & Sydney left him a message, too! The girls reminded Morgan about that phone call and he told them he remembered and that was cool of them!

Here he's telling the kids about how he was a punt returner. Imagine watching the ball and then catching, looking forward and seeing all the guys that want to kill you!

We got one of Mike's Sugar Bowl champ hats signed by Morgan and the players. The kids had a great time and Go UTES!
That is so cool! Especially that Amanda got to be Scally's assistant (instead of one of those stupid Cougars' assistants :)
That is AWESOME!!! Morgan rocks!
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