Happy Anniversary to my baby! Seventeen years ago today (it was even on a Thursday!!) Hard to believe! It was a beautiful sunny March morning that we got married in the Salt Lake Temple!
I love Michael even more today than I did that morning.
I guess when you have been married for seventeen years, you might misplace a few things. When I went looking for a wedding photo to post on this blog, I realized I can't find our wedding book anywhere! It's here somewhere, but I may have to send out a search party!
I did find many, many pictures of our life together. I thought about posting a few, but you know, we got married before the day of digital and if I started scanning, I might not be able to stop!
These pictures were pictures of our reception, my white Volkswagon Fox with a Score poster from my sorority sisters draped across it, our honeymoon in Hawaii, our first baby, Tucker, followed up by our sweet Baxter. The first car we bought together (green Geo Prizm). Our first place in Watchwood and pictures of my Temple tulips. Tucker peaking over the fence the year that the snow piled so high they had to call out the Nat'l Guard. Pictures of my Grandmothers.
Pictures of our first house, our first baby daughter, beautiful Amanda and the day we brought her home with our pink roses (that were right outside our front door) that were in full bloom even though it was fall. Various trips, visits to Missouri to visit my parents, my college graduation, and the arrival of our second beautiful daughter, Sydney! They day we brought her home also with the roses in full bloom. Pictures of Sydney with her long golden curls before she cut them off! Amanda in her first dance class, her first and second dance recitals. Amanda dressed up in her first soccer team outfit. She still loves soccer to this day. Sydney's first dance class. Pictures of when we moved to Draper and the girls out front in their matching pink coats. Rides on the horses and many fun visits with Aunt Kay & Uncle Bud.
Pictures of us when we were building this home. A picture of the girls opening the unfinished front door to say welcome home. Moving day. And finally a brand new baby boy who joined our family that spring.
Many, many pictures of our complete little family. Three beautiful children! Christmases. Pictures of the day we gave away the dog we loved but didn't quite fit our family. Pictures of old and new friends and new adventures. Pictures of fun activities with our extended families and friends.
All these pictures that tell the story of our life together.
And someday, they will be in a book and we will always know where to find it!
I love you forever, Mikey!
Congrats on 17 years! Happy Anniversary!
Congrats you two! You forgot the most important picture, the one with Darin and his strange ear trick. That was too funny!
Cute, cute picture! Happy wishes on your special day guys! We love you! Let's hope that photo book turns up soon!
I did think about you on your special day - Happy Anniversary to our "One and Onlies". We love you and are proud of you everyday. That was a beautiful, exciting and wonderful day. Loves
Happy Anniversary!!!!
I Love that wedding picture!!! Classic good stuff. I love how you talked about all the pics putting a life together - you sort of don't realize how much is happening until you look at it all together like that. Look at what you two started 17 years ago! Very cool.
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