Friday, March 27, 2009
'Marwige, Marwige is what bwings us togever today...

Thursday, March 26, 2009
I love my garden!
Usually my garden is a weedy mess about month after planting. These boxes and the mixture we put in them made a fabulous garden last year!
The best part was that I didn't have to do any prep work yesterday in order to plant! I went outside with my pea packets, pulled about 3 weeds and a stray carrot (still orange and ready to eat), and planted my little pea seeds!
I haven't ever planted peas before because my garden is NEVER ready in March! I'm so excited! And even though there is snow on my boxes this morning and it is stinkin' cold, I know in a few short weeks we can eat fresh garden peas! Wahoo!
Friday, March 20, 2009
Nothing like a Utah Win!
We didn't know we were going until midnight Friday night when the Utah game ended. I texted with Darin and made plans to meet at our parent's house at 7am. I told Mom not to get up until I called her...just in case the Utes lost and we ended up not going. Darin and I also tried to text Roger, call Roger's cell phone or get any response from him at all to make sure he was going. No luck...we'd have to try in the morning.
Morning comes, Mike is tired and says now he doesn't want to go. But, I told him that he really wanted to go and to wake up! The kids woke up at 6:30am and were ready to go to Grandma & Papa's! I knew Darin was on his way to our meeting place, but still hadn't heard from Roger, so as soon as we were all loaded in the car, I called Roger at 6:50am.
Here is a brief summary of our conversation:
Me: Roger, are you coming to Vegas?
Roger: Are you in front of my house?
Me: No! Darin & I have been trying to get ahold of you since last night!
Roger: I was sleeping!
Me: Roger, get up! If you are coming with us, get to Mom & Dad's house as soon as you can!
Roger: Yawn.......ok.......
Now, here's how we got to this point....Darin had called me on Friday afternoon wanting to know if Mike was going to the game. He said he and Roger had been talking about going and wanted in if Mike was going. I told him about my plans for my anniversary. He said he didn't want to change my plans, but to let him know. Not long after that phone call, Mike called me asking if we wanted to go to Vegas Saturday if the Utes win and that his parents had called and wanted to go! So, now I had to tell him all about my plans, to which he replied, 'Well, do you think your parents would keep our kids for 2 days?' Priorities.....Utah sports or romantic anniversary weekend sans kids....uh-huh. You can tell how long we have been married!
Anyway, I was still up for a weekend without the responsibility of kids and that worked for me! I stayed up until 1:30am cleaning up the house, doing laundry so everyone would have something to wear and packing for the weekend.
We left my parent's house right around 7:30-7:45a. Roger did a great job getting there! He said he only did 80 mph on the freeway in his Acura! Pretty impressive for the Acura....
We had a great time driving down. Mike did all the driving all weekend! He said he got in a flow and it was all good. We heard from his parents around Beaver (?) saying they would come home this morning. They thought we were all coming down with families and it would be too crowded. (They had been painting the St. George house and it looks great!) When Mike convinced them to stay, I said...I thought it was their idea to go to the games. A slight mis-communication revealed that Mike had called and asked them to go and they called back to say they would! Hmmm, I wasn't ever going to win this one! ha, ha
We got to St. George around 11:30am, quickly unloaded the car, changed into fresh clothes and loaded back into the car....this time with Jim & Renae in tow.
We stopped to eat in Mesquite at Eureka Casino because Darin's company is trying to get them as clients. It's amazing when you walk into those smoke-filled places how you get assaulted with the smell! We just aren't exposed to that much anymore. Darin & I decided that it reminded us of Grandma G's house.....and then we talked about how the first thing she would say is, "Hi kids, want a Coke?" Then, after Roger couldn't produce the cookies he thought he saw to help Renae with her cookie quest, Renae came back to our table with fortune cookies. This prompted a Chinese-style accent to come out of my mouth (and I'm sure D's, too, right?) as I said, "Ah, fortune cookie!" Then, D gestured to the next table where some lovely Asian people were sitting. Then, we had to laugh as we remembered Mom doing the same thing at Christmas Eve when the Chinese food delivery guy appeared and as she opened the door said, 'Ah, Chinese food!' We laughed and laughed and then I had to take a picture to show our Chinese friends. We were sorry for not being politically correct.
On the way out, Renae wanted to play penny slots. We told the story of our friend, Nicole's, mom winning $5000 at penny slots in Mesquite only two weeks earlier! So, she gave Mike a dollar and she played a dollar. Within 2 minutes, Mike had tripled his money and Renae had made 16 cents. Not being risk-takers when it comes to gambling, we told them to cash out! Luckily, they found a cash machine and didn't have to take their coupons for $4 and $1.16 to a cashier!
Mikey gave all the winnings to his mother.
Another hour and we were in Vegas! We parked Clark Griswold style and made our way to the Thomas & Mack center. Quickly we were descended upon by ticket scalpers willing to help us get some tickets. We got some tickets and were able to see the last few minutes of the Utah Women game where they also won the tournament!
After our Utah Men won the tourney, we went down on the hardwood. We have done that at football, but never at bball. It was a great view! Very fun. We hung out, sang the fight song, and then all of a sudden when the crowd and we turned around, we found ourselves under the basket. Then, a yellow ladder gets placed there! We were on the front row to watch the Utes cut down the net! So fun! Our view was only hindered by the HUGE bouncer guy that was pushing us back just a few inches.
It was great fun! After we left, Roger's Chinese food was not sitting well, so we ran to WalMart, got some Girl Scout Cookies, heartburn stuff and more Star Wars guys as this tactic has been working for Brandon's potty-training! We were also hungry again, so a long drive to find somewhere to eat landed us at In-and-Out!
Another 2 hour drive home and our weekend of fun was over!
Brandon says:
Brandon was kissing me today and said, "Mom, if I kiss you too long, you'll explode!"
I love this boy!
Friday, March 13, 2009
Road Trip!
Despite my little surprise I had worked out for Mike (my parents were taking the kids overnight so we could relax and enjoy our anniversary), Utah sports became the celebration of choice! The Utes won tonight (it's 11:30pm on Friday night), so my parent's are taking the kids tomorrow morning until Sunday and Mike & I are taking a ROAD TRIP to Vegas! Cross your fingers that they win! Either way, it should be a fun, but quick adventure. Go Utes!
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Happy Anniversary!!!

Happy Anniversary to my baby! Seventeen years ago today (it was even on a Thursday!!) Hard to believe! It was a beautiful sunny March morning that we got married in the Salt Lake Temple!
I love Michael even more today than I did that morning.
I guess when you have been married for seventeen years, you might misplace a few things. When I went looking for a wedding photo to post on this blog, I realized I can't find our wedding book anywhere! It's here somewhere, but I may have to send out a search party!
I did find many, many pictures of our life together. I thought about posting a few, but you know, we got married before the day of digital and if I started scanning, I might not be able to stop!
These pictures were pictures of our reception, my white Volkswagon Fox with a Score poster from my sorority sisters draped across it, our honeymoon in Hawaii, our first baby, Tucker, followed up by our sweet Baxter. The first car we bought together (green Geo Prizm). Our first place in Watchwood and pictures of my Temple tulips. Tucker peaking over the fence the year that the snow piled so high they had to call out the Nat'l Guard. Pictures of my Grandmothers.
Pictures of our first house, our first baby daughter, beautiful Amanda and the day we brought her home with our pink roses (that were right outside our front door) that were in full bloom even though it was fall. Various trips, visits to Missouri to visit my parents, my college graduation, and the arrival of our second beautiful daughter, Sydney! They day we brought her home also with the roses in full bloom. Pictures of Sydney with her long golden curls before she cut them off! Amanda in her first dance class, her first and second dance recitals. Amanda dressed up in her first soccer team outfit. She still loves soccer to this day. Sydney's first dance class. Pictures of when we moved to Draper and the girls out front in their matching pink coats. Rides on the horses and many fun visits with Aunt Kay & Uncle Bud.
Pictures of us when we were building this home. A picture of the girls opening the unfinished front door to say welcome home. Moving day. And finally a brand new baby boy who joined our family that spring.
Many, many pictures of our complete little family. Three beautiful children! Christmases. Pictures of the day we gave away the dog we loved but didn't quite fit our family. Pictures of old and new friends and new adventures. Pictures of fun activities with our extended families and friends.
All these pictures that tell the story of our life together.
And someday, they will be in a book and we will always know where to find it!
I love you forever, Mikey!
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Star Wars Rules!
Just an update....so far, everyone is feeling better. We found out Mike's cholesterol is high and now are working to get our butts in gear and get healthy again. I guess Mike had high cholesterol before he left for his mission. I had forgotten that, but now am aware that we need to watch him. The last time he had a physical, everything was good. Of course, that was 6 years ago. We also found out by chatting about this with his Mom, that he has diabetes in his family, too (aunt and uncle). I think we are having a little health wake-up call now and are concerned about keeping our kids healthy. So much to worry about these days, isn't there?
(WARNING: Potty talk to follow)
Which brings me to our next concern.....Brandon's #2 potty issue. We are STILL working on it. However, we feel we may have found some motivation that will stick this time. It's these little Star Wars guys. I have to say they are pretty cute. He's obessed with them! So, I got him some, with the promise that when he does his number in the potty, he gets more.
The first day, he did 50/50. When he first accomplished this goal, we went straight from the bathroom to WalMart to buy Star Wars guys. We he fell off the wagon, the guys were mine!
I put them in a grocery sack on top of the fridge. When I started teaching piano later that day, I heard a grocery sack rustling in the kitchen. I jumped up and found him with a barstool pushed over to the fridge and he was in mid-Star Wars guy recovery.
I stopped his operative and that started an hour of crying....'I want my guys back! I want my guys back!' But I held strong and eventually, he earned them back.
Today was a good day! I didn't have to take them at all! He did keep asking for more guys today (he's after General Greivous), and I had to endure more tears, but reiterated the plan of him using the potty for #2 and then we'll buy more guys.
Brandon with Darth Vadar and yes, that is Star Wars for the Wii on the t.v....I told you,
it's an obession!
I know this is the expensive way of doing this (buying toys), but I am so done changing soiled unders! We had to find something he cared about and I think this is it! Cross your fingers, say a little prayer for us, light a candle, wish on a star....we are hoping this works this time!!!!
Go Utes!
Last week was reading week at the girls' school. Our friend, Rachel Orison, was in charge and asked me to help out. She always has great ideas and is a pro at putting events together. One of the nights was a UTAH/BYU night. She invited her brother, Morgan Scalley....well-known former Utah football player (part of the 2004 Fiesta Bowl original BCS bowl busters) and current defensive assistant coach, and a couple of players. Also, Brandon Doman, former BYU quarterback. They talked with the kids and read their favorite books. These guys were really cool and awesome to give up their night to spend time in Kville with these youngsters!

So, Morgan was up first and he called AMANDA up to help him illustrate his story! She didn't know much about the football terminology he was asking her, but she did a great job! The fun thing is that the kids and I went to Rachel's house to watch the Sugar Bowl with them. After they won, Abby called her Uncle Morgan to congratulate him and when she got voicemail left him a message and then both Amanda & Sydney left him a message, too! The girls reminded Morgan about that phone call and he told them he remembered and that was cool of them!

Here he's telling the kids about how he was a punt returner. Imagine watching the ball and then catching, looking forward and seeing all the guys that want to kill you!
We got one of Mike's Sugar Bowl champ hats signed by Morgan and the players. The kids had a great time and Go UTES!
So, Morgan was up first and he called AMANDA up to help him illustrate his story! She didn't know much about the football terminology he was asking her, but she did a great job! The fun thing is that the kids and I went to Rachel's house to watch the Sugar Bowl with them. After they won, Abby called her Uncle Morgan to congratulate him and when she got voicemail left him a message and then both Amanda & Sydney left him a message, too! The girls reminded Morgan about that phone call and he told them he remembered and that was cool of them!
Here he's telling the kids about how he was a punt returner. Imagine watching the ball and then catching, looking forward and seeing all the guys that want to kill you!
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Just doing our part to stimulate the economy
Or at least that's how it feels! Not that I'm complaining because I know a million more people who have illnesses or issues worse than the Kville Arvy's, but I just have to laugh as I sit here and think about our past month and visits to the doctor.
Then, two weeks later, Sydney comes down with something. We wait it out a little (I think this waiting time comes after you have been a Mom for awhile. When you are a new Mom, you go to the doc for every sniffle!). She's not getting better and so I take her to a KidsCare (by the way, I HATE waiting at any doctor's appointment...I'm pretty patient, but don't think I should have to wait an hour for a scheduled appointment!). As we are waiting in the waiting room, she breaks out in a horrible rash all over her body! Finally, they call us in, do a strep test and she is positive! Another $20 co-pay, plus prescription, plus a little treat for the sick one.
This week, Mike having dizzy spells....sent him to the doctor who does a bunch of tests. No result yet, but $20 co-pay and a follow-up appointment on its way. Don't think he got a treat for being sick.
This week, Brandon once again not acting normal. I have to drag him out the door because his legs won't work, put him in the car, give him ibuprofen and send him to school! Later, decide we should check ears. Take him to an ExpressCare, ear infection, minor bronchitis, pay $40-hoping to get reimbursed by insurance (except for $20 for co-pay), another prescription (this time a new antibiotic that tastes terrible) $10....little treat for the sick one.
It all started when Brandon first went to the doctor 4 weeks ago with double ear infections. Poor kid! We didn't take him right in, but he was having such a hard time going to school and just wanted to lay around, so finally I took him in. You would think at age 3, he would have told me his ears hurt. I think I was more tuned into his ear infections when he was a baby (of course, they came more frequently so I was in that mode), and the only sign was cranky and pulling on his ears. So, $20 co-pay, plus a prescription, plus a little treat for the sick one. Then, the antibiotic isn't working, we deal with weekend on-call doctors for 2 days and then finally get another prescription..$10.
A week later, Brandon not acting normal again. Says he can use his legs because they hurt. His tummy hurts, his head hurts, but not his throat. Take him in....he has strep. Doctor decides to give him the antibiotic shot since we just did the whole oral med thing. He HATES shots. Get a little treat for the sick one, plus $20 co-pay.
A week later, Jill gets a bump on my eye that puffs up so I can't wear my contacts! Not a good thing! Eye doctor visit, three days in glasses, antibiotic drops, $20 co-pay, another hour of waiting in doctor's office, and prescription $10. My treat was a diet Coke.

This morning, Sydney wakes up with a barking cough and sore throat! Not taking her to the doctor today. Not giving a treat for being sick!
The only one in our family who has escaped illness this winter is Amanda! And she has been doing everything she can to get sick so she can stay home from school, including, but not limited to, drinking from the same cup as sick siblings and having them breathe on her!
Enjoy it, Amanda! You win for having the BEST immune system in our family!!! Yea!
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